Bloomfield, Missouri - Bloomfield Prop A is on the ballot for the April 3rd election. This is NOT A TAX INCREASE! It is a vote to continue the existing 26-cent tax already in place.
The tax rate for Bloomfield is lower than many other school districts in the area. Dexter is at 62 cents, Advance is at 55 cents, Bernie is at 30 cents and Puxico is at 79 cents.
How does this bond work? A bond is similar to a home mortgage. Investors buy bonds in order to finance construction and the principal amount is paid back with interest.
Bloomfield hopes to 1. Expand the agriculture shop on campus; 2. Update the School gym and make handicap accessibility a reality; 3. A new bus garage will provide space for maintenance and keep transportation running smoothly.
How much money is needed to make these improvements? The bond is for $1.35 million. The current 26 cent debt service levy tax will continue if passes meaning this will not be a new tax increase. Let's stress that point, this is not a NEW tax.
Once passed, the District will immediately begin the formal planning process, which includes selecting a construction company. The goal is to begin construction during summer 2019.
"Bloomfield residents always step up when it is needed," commented Brasley Conner, PTO President. "This is one of those times. We need you to VOTE YES on this no-tax increase ballot measure."
You are already paying this tax so let's continue the measure and update the schools.
Let's vote to continue the existing 26 cent tax already in place!
The bond issue is called Proposition A on the April 3rd Ballot. It reads: "Shall the Board of Education of the Bloomfield R-XIV School District, Missouri, without an estimated increase in the current debt service property tax levy, borrow money in the amount of One Million Three Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($1,350,000) for the purpose of providing funds to construct a new Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessible entrance/lobby area to the high school gymnasium; to the extent funds are available, build a bus garage, construct additional agriculture classrooms and agriculture shop space, and complete other repairs and improvements to the existing facilities of the District: and issue bonds for the payment thereof? If this proposition is approved, the adjusted debt service levy of the School District Is estimated to remain unchanged at $0.26 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation of real and personal property.