Local Schools

January Character Trait Winners at Bernie Elementary
February 02nd 2015 by Dee Loflin
January Character Trait Winners at Bernie Elementary
Bernie, Missouri - Each month Mrs. Summer McGowan teaches a Guidance Counseling session at Bernie Public Schools for each class and the lesson stems from our character trait of the month.

The students are supposed to take what they learn from the character trait instruction and apply it to their daily lives in how they treat others and make decisions.

At the end of the month, each teacher gets to nominate one student from their classroom they felt most consistently displayed the character trait of the month.  The students are recognized for their accomplishment and are given a character trait pencil.

January character trait was INTEGRITY!

Front row from left to right: Haley beasley, Cayden Hunt, Eli Crow, Mason and Wooldridge. 

Middle row Bailey Henry, Blair Plemling, Krista Cochran, Jace Foster, Arlin Wishon, and Kalijah Coleman. 

Back row Kayla Nash, Caidyn Spitzer, Sara Guzman, Maisie Stevens, Mallory Stevens, and Trevor Parks.

Last Updated on February 02nd 2015 by Dee Loflin

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