Ferguson, Missouri - The Dexter Wrestling team took first place at the McClure South - Berkeley Invitation on Saturday.
Several athletes participated in the meet including schools from McCluer North, Park Hills, Normandy, Clayton, Notre Dame, St. Francis Borgia, Affton, Orchard Farm, Riverview Gardens, Maplewood-Richmond Heights, Dexter, and McClure South-Berkeley.
Gavin White, Storm Massey, and Dalton Twomey finished with first place wins. Seth Harris, Seth Rush, Michael Hurst, Jared Deal, and Brandon Wick earned second place wins. Ty Harmon and Aaron Sandlin received 3rd place wins.
Team scores: 1. Dexter, 332.5 points; 2. Park Hills Central, 265; 3. McCluer North, 204; 4. McCluer South-Berkeley, 175; 5. Borgia, 120.5; 6. (tie) Affton; and Maplewood-Richmond Heights, 117; 8. NorthCounty, 110; 9. Clayton, 92; 10. Normandy, 90; 11. Notre Dame, 51; 12. Riverview Gardens, 42; 13. Orchard Farms, 33.
Below are the individual results:
106: Seth Harris (Dexter) - 2nd
Round 1 - Seth Harris (Dexter) received a bye
Round 2 - Seth Harris (Dexter) over Kellen Wilson (McCluer North) (Fall 0:30)
Round 3 - Seth Harris (Dexter) over Dealandus Best (Central (Park Hills)) (MD 11-1)
Round 4 - Seth Harris (Dexter) over Lakaveon Burrell (Normandy) (TF 15-0 0:00)
Round 5 - Michael Painter (Clayton) over Seth Harris (Dexter) (Dec 5-2)
120: Matt Stone (Dexter) - 9th
Champ. Round 2 - Noah Huff (Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau)) over Matt Stone (Dexter) (Fall 1:42)
Round 2 - Noah Huff (Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau)) over Matt Stone (Dexter) (Fall 1:13)
Round 3 - Major Labon (Normandy) over Matt Stone (Dexter) (M. For.)
Round 4 - Dylan Hellebusch (St. Francis Borgia) over Matt Stone (Dexter) (M. For.)
Round 5 - Brayton Tucker (Affton) over Matt Stone (Dexter) (M. For.)
9th Place Match - Matt Stone (Dexter) received a bye
126: Gavin White (Dexter) - 1st
Champ. Round 1 - Gavin White (Dexter) over Brandon Seibert (Orchard Farm) (Fall 3:54)
Round 1 - Gavin White (Dexter) over Brandon Seibert (Orchard Farm) (Fall 3:28)
Round 2 - Gavin White (Dexter) over Tyler Shrum (North County) (Fall 3:46)
Round 3 - Gavin White (Dexter) over Noah Turner-House (Central (Park Hills)) (Dec 2-1)
Round 4 - Gavin White (Dexter) over Trevon Brown (McCluer South-Berkeley) (Fall 1:14)
Round 5 - Gavin White (Dexter) received a bye
132: Brandon Twomey (Dexter) - 4th
Champ. Round 2 - Brandon Twomey (Dexter) over Hunter Miller (Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau)) (Fall 0:45)
Round 1 - Brandon Twomey (Dexter) over Terrence Brown (Normandy) (Fall 1:18)
Round 2 - Brandon Twomey (Dexter) over Hunter Miller (Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau)) (Fall 0:21)
Round 4 - Brandon Twomey (Dexter) over Kwinton Burnett (Central (Park Hills)) (Dec 8-6)
Round 5 - Jeremiah Bailiff (Riverview Gardens) over Brandon Twomey (Dexter) (Fall 0:00)
3rd Place Match - Christopher Hellebusch (St. Francis Borgia) over Brandon Twomey (Dexter) (MD 14-0)
138: Ty Harmon (Dexter) - 3rd
Round 1 - Ty Harmon (Dexter) over T'Keyah Blackton (Normandy) (Fall 0:51)
Round 2 - Ty Harmon (Dexter) over Ethan Clark (Affton) (Fall 0:07)
Round 4 - Ty Harmon (Dexter) over Darrius Green (McCluer South-Berkeley) (For.)
Round 5 - Jonathon Goheen (Central (Park Hills)) over Ty Harmon (Dexter) (Dec 3-0)
3rd Place Match - Ty Harmon (Dexter) over Treyvon Williams (Maplewood-Richmond Heights HS) (Fall 2:20)
145: Seth Rush (Dexter) - 2nd
Champ. Round 2 - Seth Rush (Dexter) over Bruce Nguyen (Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau)) (MD 15-6)
Round 1 - Seth Rush (Dexter) over Ethan Branch (Central (Park Hills)) (Fall 0:56)
Round 2 - Seth Rush (Dexter) over Bruce Nguyen (Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau)) (MD 15-5)
Round 4 - Seth Rush (Dexter) over Cole Cresswell (North County) (Fall 0:48)
Round 5 - Seth Rush (Dexter) over Matt Green (Maplewood-Richmond Heights HS) (Fall 2:54)
1st Place Match - Nicholas Davis (Normandy) over Seth Rush (Dexter) (Dec 12-5)
152: Storm Massey (Dexter) - 1st
Round 1 - Storm Massey (Dexter) over Isaiah Jackson (McCluer North) (Dec 8-6)
Round 2 - Storm Massey (Dexter) over Adrian Skinner-Ward (Affton) (Fall 0:52)
Round 4 - Storm Massey (Dexter) over Jordan Sedgwick (North County) (Fall 0:38)
Round 5 - Storm Massey (Dexter) over Dashawn Swedlund (Maplewood-Richmond Heights HS) (Fall 0:00)
1st Place Match - Storm Massey (Dexter) over Kaishawn Hoskins (McCluer South-Berkeley) (Fall 0:00)
160: Dalton Twomey (Dexter) - 1st
Round 1 - Dalton Twomey (Dexter) over Jayson Pinnon (Central (Park Hills)) (Fall 3:02)
Round 2 - Dalton Twomey (Dexter) over Jason malon (Normandy) (Fall 1:01)
Round 4 - Dalton Twomey (Dexter) over Tommie Canas (Riverview Gardens) (Fall 1:03)
Round 5 - Dalton Twomey (Dexter) over Wayne Ngo (Affton) (Fall 0:00)
1st Place Match - Dalton Twomey (Dexter) over Chris DuPerron (North County) (Fall 0:32)
170: Aaron Sandlin (Dexter) - 3rd
Champ. Round 2 - Aaron Sandlin (Dexter) over Nick Wright (Orchard Farm) (Fall 3:16)
Round 1 - Richard Kuehl (North County) over Aaron Sandlin (Dexter) (MD 15-7)
Round 2 - Aaron Sandlin (Dexter) over Nick Wright (Orchard Farm) (Fall 1:16)
Round 3 - Aaron Sandlin (Dexter) over Emanuel Stith (Riverview Gardens) (Fall 0:00)
Round 4 - Cody Woodard (Central (Park Hills)) over Aaron Sandlin (Dexter) (MD 11-0)
Round 5 - Aaron Sandlin (Dexter) over Travis Henry (McCluer South-Berkeley) (M. For.)
182: Michael Hurst (Dexter) - 2nd
Champ. Round 2 - Michael Hurst (Dexter) over Stephen Hoffmeister (Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau)) (Fall 0:23)
Round 1 - Michael Hurst (Dexter) over Dustin Saunders (Central (Park Hills)) (Fall 2:22)
Round 2 - Michael Hurst (Dexter) over Stephen Hoffmeister (Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau)) (Fall 0:33)
Round 3 - Michael Hurst (Dexter) over ethan simpson (McCluer North) (Fall 0:00)
Round 4 - Michael Hurst (Dexter) over Ronnie Watkins (Maplewood-Richmond Heights HS) (Fall 0:17)
Round 5 - Jamal White (McCluer South-Berkeley) over Michael Hurst (Dexter) (Fall 1:11)
220: Jared Deal (Dexter) - 2nd
Round 1 - Jared Deal (Dexter) received a bye
Round 2 - Jared Deal (Dexter) over Devante Robinson (Affton) (Fall 1:53)
Round 4 - Jared Deal (Dexter) over James Mullen (St. Francis Borgia) (Fall 1:48)
Round 5 - Jared Deal (Dexter) over Jared Garett (Clayton) (Dec 4-2)
1st Place Match - Matthew wilke (McCluer North) over Jared Deal (Dexter) (Dec 4-3)
285: Brandon Wick (Dexter) - 2nd
Round 1 - Brandon Wick (Dexter) over Eric Kahle (Affton) (Fall 0:31)
Round 2 - Brandon Wick (Dexter) over Jared Mullen (St. Francis Borgia) (Fall 0:23)
Round 3 - Brandon Wick (Dexter) over Kemond Murray (McCluer South-Berkeley) (M. For.)
Round 4 - Sean Mahoney (Central (Park Hills)) over Brandon Wick (Dexter) (Dec 4-2)
Round 5 - solomon jackson (McCluer North) over Brandon Wick (Dexter) (Fall 0:40)