Jessica Snider, SMT Writer
Thanksgiving is a special time of year when we gather around with family and maybe even close friends and enjoy a great meal or two. Thanksgiving is much more than stuffing our faces with mom’s turkey or grandma’s pecan pie. Thanksgiving is a time of year we should be especially thankful for all we have.
In the world we live in, it is often easy to forget all we have been blessed with. This isn’t to say we shouldn’t be thankful all year round, however. Thanksgiving often brings out the gratefulness in many people.
You can see it in the Facebook posts especially. If you’re a social media user, you know that each day in November a lot of people decide to choose one thing they are thankful for. Some of the things I saw on my Facebook newsfeed today were: family, friends, and, yes, someone was honest enough to admit they’re thankful to be able to attend school.
We sometimes don’t realize how blessed we are until something is taken from us. Take being healthy for example. Many people don’t walk around through the day thanking the Lord that they feel well that day unless they know what it is like to be unhealthy or sick.
A lot of us travel to work, work all day, come home to our families, and maybe even complain that we have to do it all again the next day without even once stopping to be thankful that we’re able to do all of that. Many people who can’t even leave their homes would love to be able to go to work every day.
This isn’t to say everyone isn’t thankful, though. I’m sure there are people who wake up every morning and automatically thank God for waking them up that day. Society has started making it harder for people to be thankful for anything, and those that stand up strong and do it anyways are truly people to look up to.
So as you and your family gather around the table this Thanksgiving, the men run off to watch football, and the women gear up for Black Friday shopping, make sure you take time out in your day to be thankful for everything you’ve been blessed with. Be thankful for even the smallest things that you never take time out to appreciate. You never know when what you have can be taken from you.
We’re all SO BLESSED!
May everyone have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving this year!