
Nea Receives iPad for Winning PigSkin Pick'Em
November 19th 2012 by Unknown
Nea Receives iPad for Winning PigSkin Pick'Em
Written by
Jessica Snider, SMT Writer

A few weeks ago Mark Nea was announced as the 2012 PigSkin Pick’Em Challenge Winner.

It was a close competition, but Mark Nea pulled ahead in the end with a total of 170 points.

In honor of winning the challenge, there is more than just bragging rights involved. The 2012 winner was promised an iPad Mini and Mark Nea was delivered his prize today.

We would like to give a special thanks to the sponsors for making the PigSkin Pick’Em Challenge possible. The 2012 sponsors are as followed: A Cut Above Lawn Care, Allen Christian Inc., Audibel Chris Warren, Bank of Advance, County Wide Insurance Agency, Dexter Queen Restaurant, D&S Drug Store, First Commercial Bank, First Midwest Bank, Hair Lingo, Holden Pallet Company, Kris Willis RV, Metro Gallery, Montgomery Bank, Real Living Young Realty, Rob Mayer for Circuit Judge, Terry Swinger.

In the photo, Mark Nea is shown holding his new iPad Mini he received today for winning the challenge.

Last Updated on November 19th 2012 by Unknown

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