
Maggie Thorn Chases Her Dreams

Maggie Thorn Chases Her Dreams

Written by
Jessica Snider, SMT Writer

From an early age, Maggie Thorn has loved singing. Not only did she realize her love for singing, but she also caught the performing bug at an early age.

Thorn has been singing since she was two years old and could always be caught performing at family functions. Not only did she just perform for family, however, she was also known to sing in church and school plays quite frequently.

After being very active in choir and special concerts, Thorn started to play the guitar more seriously when she was in eighth grade. Maggie Thorn has always been more directed towards country music. “I’ve always loved old country. Such as Patsy Montana, Patsy Cline, and Tammy Wynette,” Thorn commented. While on the subject of country music, Thorn notes that she taught herself how to yodel from watching various YouTube videos.

One of the biggest turning points thus far throughout Thorn’s singing experience has been winning the Midsouth Fair. For the victory, she sang Cowboy’s Sweetheart and yodeled.

Amidst many things going in the right direction for Thorn, she got a huge opportunity with winning a $3,000+ trip to Hollywood to audition in front of CBS Executives and to tape the Craig Ferguson Show.

After that, Thorn began performing at local wineries, restaurants, and charity events. “It’s great to have a job that I love,” said Thorn.

Thorn once applied to NOISE, a vocal music camp put on by MUZAK for sixteen talented teenage musicians across the US, and got accepted. Thorn also won the National Beta Talent Competition where she sang lead in a trio of girls this past summer. Winning National Beta Talent was not only a huge accomplishment for Maggie, but for Bloomfield School as well.

Thorn applied to Belmont University in Nashville and got accepted. This is where she attends currently and is majoring in Commercial Music Voice. “I’m having the time of my life surrounded by others whose passion is music. Despite the studies being difficult, the rewards of friendship and amazing opportunities to perform far outweigh any hardships,” noted Thorn on her time at Belmont thus far.

Maggie Thorn will soon be getting to experience something she has wanted to be a part for a while as she performs in Christmas at Belmont. “I’ve watched the past few years and really wanted to be apart of it. It will be televised and aired nationally Sunday, December 21st at 9:00 P.M. and locally NPT on Christmas Eve at 9:00 P.M. I’m so excited,” commented Thorn on this wonderful opportunity

Thorn’s goal is to continue to improve her musical skills and eventually make her career in the music business, wherever that may lead her.

Maggie Thorn does not take the support of the people around her lightly. She says they are the reason she is able to continue following her musical dream. “One of my dreams is to be able to thank them from the stage of the Grand Ole’ Opry,” said a very hopeful Maggie.

Thorn currently has a new original video on YouTube called “Gravel Road.” She asks that everyone check it out at: http://youtu.be/mabNCn8DIIg

Maggie also has a Facebook page that you can like. Just search “Maggie Thorn’s Music Page.”

Maggie Thorn has a busy and bright future ahead as she continues at Belmont University, and also she hopes to have a CD out after the first of the year.

Many people around the local area are aware of Maggie Thorn’s amazing talent. With the continuation of your support and love for her, one day the whole world could have the chance to hear Maggie’s voice. We wish Maggie the best of luck in all she hopes to accomplish!

Written by Unknown
Date: November 16th 2012
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