Dexter, Missouri - The Dexter Elks Lodge held their annual Students of the Year Banquet on April 19, 2016. Roger Tripplett, Exalted Rule welcomed the 14 students who had already been honored as a Student of the Month at their respective high schools. Larry White introduced each student and thanked everyone for attending. This was his 11th year of hosting the Students of the Year banquet.
Representing Bell City are Rebecca Heuring and Peyton Maddox, from Bloomfield are Adrianna Gensler and Tyler Battles, from Dexter are Erin Lauters and Garrett Kyle, from Bernie are Cybil Voss and Brock Beacham, from Richland are Makala Pinkley and Matthew Miller, from Puxico are McKenna Hawthorne and Nathan Dare, and representing Advance are Jennifer Beal and Creighton Miles.
Bill Hampton, Director of Three River College Center at Dexter, was the guest speaker. "You are the best of the best," Hampton said of the students in the audience. "The Elks are extremely active in the community with Youth Basketball Shootout, Drug Awareness, Three Rivers Patrons of the Arts, Goodwill Games, and Youth Wrestling. When you finish college remember to give back to your community by joining an organization such as the Elks."
"If it is to be it is up to me!" Larry White said those are the top ten words to live by. "When you leave the nest, get involved in the community, join a civic organization, become a youth coach or run for city council, just get involved in your community."
Students who earned top honors as Elks Students of the Year are Jennifer Beal and Tyler Battles.
Beal is the daughter of Jesse and Jonna Beal. She will attend School of the Ozarks in the fall and major in Music Education.
Battles is the son of Kristie Battles and Michael Battles. He is yet undecided as to where he will attend college, but he plans to major in Biology.
Shown in the photo are Elks Student Awards coordinator, Larry White, with Students of the Year Jennifer Beal from Advance and Tyler Battles from Bloomfield. Along with their plaques, the two each received a $200 check for their achievements.

Dexter, Missouri - The Dexter Elks Lodge held their annual Students of the Year Banquet at the Elks Lodge on April 19, 2016.
Two students from each school district within Stoddard County were recognized throughout the year as Dexter Elks Lodge Students of the Month.
Each April, all of the students are recognized at the annual banquet to honor their achievements and to name the Students of the Year.
The Dexter Elks have sponsored this program for 40 years and Larry and Carol White have headed the program for the past 11 years.
Students, their parents, and their school counselor were treated to a delicious meal catered by the Elks. Each student was invited to the stage to introduce themselves and who attended the banquet with them.
Shown in the photo are front row seated from left to right: Rebecca Heuring, of bell City, Adrianna Gensler of Bloomfield, Erin Lauters and Garrett Kyle from Dexter, and Cybil Voss of Bernie. Standing are from left to right Brock Beacham of Bernie, Skie Pinkley and Parker Miller from Richland, Nathan Dare of Puxico, and Jennifer Beal of Advance. Not present for the photo were Tyler Battles from Bloomfield (He was at a baseball game and came later to the banquet), McKenna Hawthorne from Puxico, and Creighton Miles of Advance.

Dexter, Missouri - Erin Lauters is the 2016 recipient of the Beta Sigma Phi Scholarship.
Presenting the scholarship are Laura Lee stone of the Beta Sigma chapter and Debbie Essner of the Gamma Delta Masters chapter.
The four local chapters of Beta Sigma Phi, Xi Lambda Psi, Beta Sigma, Xi Lambda Eta, and Gamma Delta Masters, contribute to scholarship fund.Each year, a Dexter senior is selected to receive this $500 scholarship.
Erin Lauters is the daughter of Ron and Kollete lauters.
She has been a member of the DHS Marching Band all four years of high school. She has also been a member of the Jazz Cats all four years of high school.
Erin is a member of the Rotary Interact Club, student Council, Future Teachers of America and has been on the Scholar Bowl team her junior and senior years. She is in the Top 10% of her class.
She has been a member of the All-District Band for three years and All-District Jazz Band for two years. Erin was a delegate for Missouri Girls State in 2015.
Her plans are to attend Arkansas State University and pursue a degree in Elementary Education.
Congratulations Erin!

Poplar Bluff, Missouri - Two Poplar Bluff High School Math Club members earned top placement during Math Field Day on Thursday, April 14, at Southeast Missouri State University in Cape Girardeau.
Humza Siddiqui, a junior, and sophomore Adeesh Mishra placed first and second respectively in the computational math competition. Adeesh also came in second in non-routine level one and Humza placed second in trigonometry.
A total of 25 PBHS students participated in the annual event, vying individually and as part of a team. The Math Club has been preparing for the competition by participating in monthly Missouri Mathematics League activities.
Shown in the photo is the Math Club who participated in Math Field Day earlier this month at SEMO.
Photos and article submitted by Tim Krakowiak, Communications/Marketing Coordinator, Poplar Bluff R-I School District.

Poplar Bluff, Missouri - Almost 250 athletes from about 20 schools and agencies participated in the Southeast Area spring games of Special Olympics Missouri held Friday, April 22, at Poplar Bluff Junior High School.
It was the most participation in recent memory, according to Development Director Penny Williams, who noted Special Olympics Missouri has partnered with Junior High for nearly two decades, and has been a part of the community for even longer.
Principal Bob Case was recognized for his continuing support of the organization, along with the Parks and Recreation Department. Athletes from Senior High, Junior High, Middle School and O’Neal Elementary competed in events including the standing long jump, 100 meter run and 4x100 relay. PBHS Student Council along with multiple agencies volunteered to help organize the games.
Shown in the photo: Ember Cowin of PBJHS wins first place in the tennis ball throw.
Article and photo submitted by Tim Krakowiak, Communications/Marketing Coordinator, Poplar Bluff R-I School District.