Dexter, Missouri - The Dexter Elks Lodge held their annual Students of the Year Banquet on April 19, 2016. Roger Tripplett, Exalted Rule welcomed the 14 students who had already been honored as a Student of the Month at their respective high schools. Larry White introduced each student and thanked everyone for attending. This was his 11th year of hosting the Students of the Year banquet.
Representing Bell City are Rebecca Heuring and Peyton Maddox, from Bloomfield are Adrianna Gensler and Tyler Battles, from Dexter are Erin Lauters and Garrett Kyle, from Bernie are Cybil Voss and Brock Beacham, from Richland are Makala Pinkley and Matthew Miller, from Puxico are McKenna Hawthorne and Nathan Dare, and representing Advance are Jennifer Beal and Creighton Miles.
Bill Hampton, Director of Three River College Center at Dexter, was the guest speaker. "You are the best of the best," Hampton said of the students in the audience. "The Elks are extremely active in the community with Youth Basketball Shootout, Drug Awareness, Three Rivers Patrons of the Arts, Goodwill Games, and Youth Wrestling. When you finish college remember to give back to your community by joining an organization such as the Elks."
"If it is to be it is up to me!" Larry White said those are the top ten words to live by. "When you leave the nest, get involved in the community, join a civic organization, become a youth coach or run for city council, just get involved in your community."
Students who earned top honors as Elks Students of the Year are Jennifer Beal and Tyler Battles.
Beal is the daughter of Jesse and Jonna Beal. She will attend School of the Ozarks in the fall and major in Music Education.
Battles is the son of Kristie Battles and Michael Battles. He is yet undecided as to where he will attend college, but he plans to major in Biology.
Shown in the photo are Elks Student Awards coordinator, Larry White, with Students of the Year Jennifer Beal from Advance and Tyler Battles from Bloomfield. Along with their plaques, the two each received a $200 check for their achievements.