Local Schools

Mayer and Morse Remain on Dexter School Board
April 25th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Mayer and Morse Remain on Dexter School Board

Dexter, Missouri - The Dexter Public School Board along with superintendent Mitch Wood met for the a regularly scheduled board meeting on Tuesday, April 19, 2016.

The School Board recognized the April 5th municipal election, reinstating incumbents Nancy Mayer and Herman Morse.  They also elected new board offices.  Serving as board presidents will be Rick Williams, vice president Herman Morse, board secretary will remain Laura Miller, and board member Nancy Mayer will serve as treasurer.

Board members also approved officers for the Dexter Public Schools Foundation to include Mark Becker as president, Rick Williams as vice president, Joe Watson as treasurer and secretary will be Herman Morse.  Representing the School Board will be Mark Nea.

Shown in the photo is Nancy Mayer and Herman Morse being administered the Oath by Laura Miller.

Last Updated on April 25th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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Dexter Public School Board Meeting Minutes
April 25th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Dexter Public School Board Meeting Minutes

Dexter, Missouri - The Dexter Public School Board along with superintendent Mitch Wood met for the a regularly scheduled board meeting on Tuesday, April 19, 2016.

Call to Order/Roll Call/Pledge  The Board President announced the meeting is to begin with all members present.

Board Reorganization    
A.    The existing Board reviewed and approved certified election results. County Clerk Joe Watson confirmed Nancy Mayer and Herman Morse were elected to the Dexter R-XI Board of Education.

B.    The existing Board voted to dissolve in order to reorganize.

C.    Oath of Office.  Board Secretary Laura Miller administered the required oath to Nancy Mayer and Herman Morse.

D.    Elections of Board Officers. Mr. Wood oversaw the election of the new Board’s President who then presided over the further election of the remaining three Board officers – Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The new officers are President Rick Williams, Vice-President Herman Morse, Board Secretary Laura Miller, and Treasurer Nancy Mayer.

E.    Call to Order. The new Board moved forward as the new President presided.

Public Comments
CTA presented updates of school happenings throughout the campus. Requests to address Board -- none
Correspondence – thank you note
Recognition of Guests - none

Old Business    
The Board approved the revised Football Scoreboard Lease Purchase Agreement after school attorney Mr. Ringer made revisions.  Local merchants and organizations have pledged more than $300,000 in the form of seven-year sponsorships to appear on the scoreboard which Mitch Wood, superintendent, noted would fully fund the purchase.

Mr. Mouser gave information obtained from technology committee meetings that have been held.  The major concern from the committee was to provide more technology access to our students.  The committee felt carts with chrome books would be a tremendous addition along with some interactive technology such as, smart boards or Promethean boards at SW Elementary.   The technology director stated that in order to do this more access points were needed throughout the building.  Mr. Wood recommended that we look into putting some mobile chrome books in Central, Middle School and High School and to look at placing some Interactive boards at Southwest.  This is contingent upon making some cuts within the buildings to help off-set the cost.  The board agreed with this recommendation.

New Business
The Board renewed its annual membership with the Missouri School Boards Association.  The cost was $7,631, a $500 increase from the previous year.

The Board approved to declare some outdated and used books in Middle School as surplus property.  Middle School plans to sell these to students at a minimal cost or discard them through auction.

The Board approved a technology infrastructure improvement project to upgrade the wireless accessibility in the buildings at a cost of $89,997.  80% of the cost may be subject to e-rate reimbursement which puts the cost to the district approximately $17.999.40.

The Board set the date and time of Thursday, June 30, 2016, at 6:00 PM for the regular June Board meeting.

In accordance to the current by-laws of the Dexter Public Schools Foundation, the Dexter Board of Education approved the appointments to the Foundation’s Board of Directors. The Board approved the Directors and their respective terms of office as presented:

President Mark Becker – April, 2019
Vice-President Rick Williams – April, 2018
Treasurer Joe Watson – April, 2019
Secretary Herman Morse – April, 2018
Member Mark Nea – April, 2017

The Board approved a resolution honoring the staff members retiring at the end of the 2015 - 2016 school year.

Discussion Items
Nurse’s Report was presented.

Board Committees – There were four standing committees assigned by Board President Williams: Activities Committee – Mark Nea and Jim Reiker
Public Relations Committee – Nancy Mayer and Bob Thrower
Building and Grounds Committee – Herman Morse and Kevin Bishop

Principal’s gave a report on happenings in their buildings.

In Executive Session:  

The Board accepted a letter of resignation from Middle School Asst. Football Coach Eric Boles.

The Board accepted a letter of resignation from Head Bus Mechanic Brad LaRue, effective April 12th 2016.

The Board accepted a letter of resignation from Classroom Aide Janet Heuring, effective at the end of the 2015-2016 school year.

The Board accepted a letter of resignation from Classroom Aide Melissa Yount, effective at the end of the 2015-2016 school year.

The Board employed teacher Kris Rudd for the 2016-2017 school year. His assignment is High School Industrial Arts.

The Board approved the employment of coaches and sponsors for the 2016-2017 school year as presented.  

The Board voted to approve a 2% increase for the Classified Staff based upon the recommendation or the administration for implementation July 1, 2016.

The Board voted to approve a one-time wage adjustment for administrative office classified staff based upon the recommendation of the administration for implementation July 1, 2016.

Last Updated on April 25th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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First Grade Students Earn 3R's Flag
April 22nd 2016 by Dee Loflin
First Grade Students Earn 3R's Flag

Dexter, Missouri - The first grade classroom of Mauri Kennedy  earned the Southwest Elementary Positive Behavioral Support Reward Flag.

School Wide Positive Behavioral Support (SWPBS) award is presented at the start of each month at Southwest Elementary.  One classroom in each grade is recognized for exhibiting the high character with regard to observing the school's 3R's.

The 3R's stand for being Respectful, Ready to Learn and Responsible.  The class with the highest attendance average, combined with the fewest disciplinary measures and general good character are awarded a 3R red flag to be posted in their classroom for the next month.  The students are also awarded "superhero" capes to wear and parade around the gym before returning to class.

Shown in the photo are from left to right: Back row: Mauri Kennedy (teacher),  Jager McCollum, Justus Lovelady, Ashley Green, Walker Jarrell, Tristan Petzoldt, Lillie Hartline, and Makayla Spence.  Middle:  Quincey McLaughlin, Miracle Campbell, Gage Griffin, David Mace, Brenden DeVers, Aubree Whyde, Kady Ballard, and Payton Proctor.  Front:  Dylan Harris, Lily Moffitt, Molli McFarlen, and Faith Midkiff.

Last Updated on April 22nd 2016 by Dee Loflin

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Erick Kirkman, First Recipient of Distinguished Alumni Award
April 22nd 2016 by Dee Loflin
Erick Kirkman, First Recipient of Distinguished Alumni Award
Poplar Bluff, Missouri - Three Rivers College will honor Erick Kirkman, the recipient of its first annual Distinguished Alumni Award, at a reception at the Tinnin Fine Arts Center on Monday, May 9, from 4-6 p.m. The reception will be open to the public.

“We’re proud to honor Erick Kirkman for his unwavering support for Three Rivers and our community,” said Dr. Wesley Payne, President of Three Rivers College. “Because of the time and effort put in by people like Erick, Three Rivers can continue to educate our community and help it grow.”

Kirkman, who graduated from Three Rivers in 1994, was selected for the award by a committee of Three Rivers faculty, staff, and community members. Kirkman, who is co-owner and co-founder of Kissinger & Kirkman Investment Centre, LLC, serves on the college’s Business Management Advisory Committee, is frequently a guest speaker for Three Rivers’ business classes, and is a major supporter of the Patrons of the Arts Society.

“We had several outstanding nominations this year, but Erick’s stood out due to his achievements in his profession and the community,” said Michelle Reynolds, Director of Development for Three Rivers. “He’s given back to the college in so many ways, and we’re honored to have him as a true partner in the Poplar Bluff community.”

In addition to receiving the Distinguished Alumni Award, Kirkman has been selected as the Keynote Speaker at Three Rivers’ 2016 Commencement ceremony on May 20 at the Black River Coliseum.

Along with his degree from Three Rivers, Kirkman holds a B.S. in Finance from Arkansas State University. He is a Certified Financial Planner and is Dave Ramsey’s Endorsed Local Provider for Southeast Missouri. He resides in Poplar Bluff with his wife, Dr. Martha Kirkman, and their twin daughters.

Those wishing to attend the May 9 recognition reception should RSVP with Michelle Reynolds at michellereynolds@trcc.edu or 573-840-9077. Kirkman has designated enhancements to the lobby of the Westover Building for any gifts made in his honor.

Last Updated on April 22nd 2016 by Dee Loflin

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Most NHS Pledges Inducted in Recent Memory
April 21st 2016 by Dee Loflin
Most NHS Pledges Inducted in Recent Memory

Poplar Bluff, Missouri - A total of 35 Poplar Bluff High School juniors were inducted into the National Honor Society during the annual spring ceremony on Wednesday, April 6, in the Kay Porter Theater.

The pledges represented the largest group Principal Mike Kiehne had the privilege of welcoming since he took his position five years ago, he noted.

“You will sign the historic Poplar Bluff High School register that dates back to the 1940s with alumni – too many to name,” said Kiehne, holding up the register to almost 100 in attendance, later joking: “It’s an old looking book.

“In making this pledge, you are representing not only yourselves but your families and also PBHS, and all those folks before you who were of great service to the community, and probably still are in our community to a large degree,” the principal continued.

Selection is based on scholarship, leadership, service and character by majority vote of a five-member faculty council appointed by the principal, according to chapter adviser Paul Conover, a social studies teacher.

PBHS Principal Mike Kiehne congratulates the new inductees of the National Honor Society. (in alphabetical order): Michael Anagnostopoulos, Hunter Aud, Jazlyn Barnes, Dustyn Barnett, Alyssa Bubanovich, Justin Capps, Jordan Cox, Madison Decker, Drake Dugas, Hannah Fortner, Alexis Hecker, Rachel Henson, Lane House, Katie Huskey, Preston Jenson, Samara Kilgore, Grace King, Morgan McAtee, Hamiz Mirza, MacKenzie Moore, Jared Moses, Trenton Nepean, Molly Ormsby, Analeise Pyland, Katie Redwine, Alexis Reyes-Mortero, Ronin Rice, Lauren Rowland, Madison Sherrill, Humza Siddiqui, Victoria Traver, Baylee Valenzuela, Chloe Vernon, Adam Vincent and Taylor Wiseman.

Photo and article submitted by Tim Krakowiak, Communications/Marketing Coordinator, Poplar Bluff R-I School District

Last Updated on April 21st 2016 by Dee Loflin

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