Local Schools

Cheney Hall Closing at SEMO
August 08th 2015 by Dee Loflin
Cheney Hall Closing at SEMO

Cape Girardeau, Missouri - For the fall 2015 and spring 2016 academic year, Southeast Missouri State University is closing Cheney Hall, a residence hall on the Southeast campus.

The closing of this building, at the corner of Cheney Drive and North Henderson Street, is necessary to examine and make structural and infrastructure repairs.

Over the past year, the University, working with outside engineering and architect professionals, has been examining the maintenance needs for multiple facilities across the Southeast campus, University officials said. These efforts have provided opportunities for the campus to plan ahead for future repairs to various academic and non-academic facilities. Cheney Hall is one of the buildings the University has previously identified as a building in need of future renovation for its continued use as a residence hall.

Previous plans had called for Cheney Hall to be open for residence hall students during this year, however, recent assessments of the building have demonstrated a need to consider structural repairs in the coming year, according to Angela Meyer, director of Facilities Management.

A combination of events over the past year, including recent heavy rains, has resulted in some settling of the building foundation and stair-stepped cracking of the northwest corner of the building.

“In order to fully investigate and determine the cause of the movement, the University has made the decision to begin a full structural analysis which may involve soil borings and/or excavation followed by a structural evaluation by a consultant,” Meyer said. “The goal is to stabilize the structure and ensure that the facility can be brought back on-line for future use.”

The work needed to complete structural and other infrastructure repairs will be very disruptive to the building.

“To provide our students the best on-campus living experience, the campus is closing this building for this coming academic year,” she said.

Cheney Hall has been a landmark on the Southeast campus for more than 75 years. Dr. Kendra Skinner, director of the Office of Residence Life, noted, “Students enjoy the on-campus living experience, and Cheney Hall has been part of this experience for more than half a century. While we wish we could have the building open for the coming year, we need to take action now to repair the building and to find the impacted students other places on campus to live this year.”

During this closure, 85 students who were planning to reside in Cheney Hall are being provided other residence hall spaces on the Southeast campus for the academic year. Students who were planning to live in Cheney Hall will be provided alternate campus housing at the same room rate in other residence halls on the Southeast campus, Skinner said. The Office of Residence Life is working with the impacted students to change their room assignments before students return to the Southeast campus on Aug. 20. Additional information for students impacted by this closure is available through the Office of Residence Life at 573.651.2274 or ORL@semo.edu.

Last Updated on August 08th 2015 by Dee Loflin

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Meet and Greet with Mitch Wood Draws a Crowd
August 04th 2015 by Dee Loflin
Meet and Greet with Mitch Wood Draws a Crowd

Dexter, Missouri - A large crowd came out to the Bearcat Event Center to welcome new superintendent Mitch Wood.  Dexter residents had an opportunity to meet and introduce themselves to Dexter Public Schools' newest leader.

Wood’s official first day of employment was July 1, 2015.

Kevin Bishop, President of Dexter’s School Board, introduced Mr. Wood to a large crowd and thanked everyone for coming out and visiting. 

Wood spoke to everyone and said that he was dedicated to Dexter schools and though he has worn “blue” for 23 years, he does like the color red.  The crowd chuckled and clapped!  He also said there would be a few changes and his door was always open. 

He has received a very warm welcome from Dexter and anticipates visiting every school building several times throughout his first months.

He thanked everyone for coming and also introduced his wife, Shawn.

Welcome to Dexter Mr. & Mrs. Wood.  The community is extremely excited to have you!

Dexter School Registration begins on August 4th from 9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. at the Bearcat Event Center.

Shown in the photo are Mitch Wood and his wife, Shawn.

Last Updated on August 04th 2015 by Dee Loflin

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Southwest Elementary Second Grade School Supply List
August 02nd 2015 by Dee Loflin
Southwest Elementary Second Grade School Supply List

Dexter, Missouri - Registration is Tuesday, August 4th at the Bearcat Event Center from 9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. for grades K-12 of Dexter Public Schools.

First day of classes are slated for Thursday, August 13th and the students will be dismissed at 1:00 p.m.  Kindergarten classes will begin on Friday, August 14th.

Click HERE for School Calendar.

Here is a suggested supply list for Second Grade Students Southwest Elementary School.

2 boxes of Crayons 24 packs

1 rule with inches and cm

2 large boxes of tissues

1 pair sharp Fiskars scissors

1 pkg of 24 #2 pencils (wooden)

1 pkg pencil end erasers

1 large bleach free wipes

1 glue (4 oz liquid)

1 pink block eraser

4 dry erase markers, black

1 cigar size school box, plastic

1 glue stick

2 highlighters

1 colored pen (any color)

1 dry eraser or black sock

Last Updated on August 02nd 2015 by Dee Loflin

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Southwest Elementary First Grade School Supply List
August 02nd 2015 by Dee Loflin
Southwest Elementary First Grade School Supply List

Dexter, Missouri - Registration is Tuesday, August 4th at the Bearcat Event Center from 9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. for grades K-12 of Dexter Public Schools.

First day of classes are slated for Thursday, August 13th and the students will be dismissed at 1:00 p.m.  Kindergarten classes will begin on Friday, August 14th.

Click HERE for School Calendar.

Here is a suggested supply list for First Grade Students Southwest Elementary School.

1 package of #2 lead pencils

2 large dry erase markers (black)

1 package pencil top erasers or pink eraser

1 pair scissors (Fiskars Sharp Pt/Not plastic)

2 pack or larger of glue sticks

1 box sandwich sized Ziploc bags

2 or more large box of tissues

1 box of 24 colors (Preferably Crayola Brand)

1 backpack

1 highlighter

1 art box

1 large bottle hand sanitizer

1 box wet wipes

Last Updated on August 02nd 2015 by Dee Loflin

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Southwest Elementary Kindergarten School Supply List
August 02nd 2015 by Dee Loflin
Southwest Elementary Kindergarten School Supply List

Dexter, Missouri - Registration is Tuesday, August 4th at the Bearcat Event Center from 9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. for grades K-12 of Dexter Public Schools.

First day of classes are slated for Thursday, August 13th and the students will be dismissed at 1:00 p.m.  Kindergarten classes will begin on Friday, August 14th.

Click HERE for School Calendar.

Here is a suggested supply list for Kindergarten at Southwest Elementary School.

1 plastic cigar size school box

2 boxes of 24 Crayons

1 pair Fiskars Scissors (blunt pt/not plastic)

2 large box of tissues

4 blue sticks (any size)

Boys bring a box of sandwich Ziplock bags

Girls bring a box of gallon Ziplock bags

1 box colored pencils

2 white glue (medium with orange lid – no gel)

1 backpack

1 package #2 pencils (regular size)

1 block pink eraser

1 container of Germ-X

2 dry erase markers

Last Updated on August 02nd 2015 by Dee Loflin

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