Dexter, Missouri - A large crowd came out to the Bearcat Event Center to welcome new superintendent Mitch Wood. Dexter residents had an opportunity to meet and introduce themselves to Dexter Public Schools' newest leader.
Wood’s official first day of employment was July 1, 2015.
Kevin Bishop, President of Dexter’s School Board, introduced Mr. Wood to a large crowd and thanked everyone for coming out and visiting.
Wood spoke to everyone and said that he was dedicated to Dexter schools and though he has worn “blue” for 23 years, he does like the color red. The crowd chuckled and clapped! He also said there would be a few changes and his door was always open.
He has received a very warm welcome from Dexter and anticipates visiting every school building several times throughout his first months.
He thanked everyone for coming and also introduced his wife, Shawn.
Welcome to Dexter Mr. & Mrs. Wood. The community is extremely excited to have you!
Dexter School Registration begins on August 4th from 9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. at the Bearcat Event Center.Shown in the photo are Mitch Wood and his wife, Shawn.

Dexter, Missouri - Registration is Tuesday, August 4th at the Bearcat Event Center from 9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. for grades K-12 of Dexter Public Schools.
First day of classes are slated for Thursday, August 13th and the students will be dismissed at 1:00 p.m. Kindergarten classes will begin on Friday, August 14th.
Click HERE for School Calendar.Here is a suggested supply list for Second Grade Students Southwest Elementary School.
2 boxes of Crayons 24 packs
1 rule with inches and cm
2 large boxes of tissues
1 pair sharp Fiskars scissors
1 pkg of 24 #2 pencils (wooden)
1 pkg pencil end erasers
1 large bleach free wipes
1 glue (4 oz liquid)
1 pink block eraser
4 dry erase markers, black
1 cigar size school box, plastic
1 glue stick
2 highlighters
1 colored pen (any color)
1 dry eraser or black sock
Dexter, Missouri - Registration is Tuesday, August 4th at the Bearcat Event Center from 9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. for grades K-12 of Dexter Public Schools.
First day of classes are slated for Thursday, August 13th and the students will be dismissed at 1:00 p.m. Kindergarten classes will begin on Friday, August 14th.
Click HERE for School Calendar.Here is a suggested supply list for First Grade Students Southwest Elementary School.
1 package of #2 lead pencils
2 large dry erase markers (black)
1 package pencil top erasers or pink eraser
1 pair scissors (Fiskars Sharp Pt/Not plastic)
2 pack or larger of glue sticks
1 box sandwich sized Ziploc bags
2 or more large box of tissues
1 box of 24 colors (Preferably Crayola Brand)
1 backpack
1 highlighter
1 art box
1 large bottle hand sanitizer
1 box wet wipes

Dexter, Missouri - Registration is Tuesday, August 4th at the Bearcat Event Center from 9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. for grades K-12 of Dexter Public Schools.
First day of classes are slated for Thursday, August 13th and the students will be dismissed at 1:00 p.m. Kindergarten classes will begin on Friday, August 14th.
Click HERE for School Calendar.Here is a suggested supply list for Kindergarten at Southwest Elementary School.
1 plastic cigar size school box
2 boxes of 24 Crayons
1 pair Fiskars Scissors (blunt pt/not plastic)
2 large box of tissues
4 blue sticks (any size)
Boys bring a box of sandwich Ziplock bags
Girls bring a box of gallon Ziplock bags
1 box colored pencils
2 white glue (medium with orange lid – no gel)
1 backpack
1 package #2 pencils (regular size)
1 block pink eraser
1 container of Germ-X
2 dry erase markers

The CTA and School Board would like to welcome him with a special "Meet and Greet" opportunity on Monday, August 3, 2015. This will be a perfect chance to welcome our new Superintendent to the Bearcat Nation!
The event will take place at the Bearcat Event Center from 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. on Monday afternoon and the entire community is invited to come out and meet Mr. Wood as he begins his career with Dexter Public Schools.
Wood recently held the superintendent position of Oran R-3 District from 2004 until the Board of Education of Dexter R-XI School District hired him effective July 1, 2015. Prior to that he was a teacher, coach, and activities director from 1992 - 1999 and then served as principal at the Oran Junior High and High School from 1999 - 2004 for a total of 23 years in the Oran district. Prior to going to Oran, he taught and coached at Hayti from 1989 - 1992.
Wood earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Education from Arkansas State University, a Master’s Degree in Educational Administration and a Specialist Degree in Educational Leadership from Southeast Missouri State University. He is currently enrolled at William Woods University and working on his doctorate with an anticipated completion date of 2015.
Wood’s other professional accolades include his membership in the SEMO Superintendents Association, Scott-Miss Superintendents Association (President 2006-2008), MO Association of School Administrators (Chairman, Small Schools Committee 2013 – Present), and MO Association of School Business Officials. He also served on the Board of Appeals for the Missouri State High School Activities Association from 2009-2014 and the Coaches Advisory Panel from 2006-209.
Wood has been married to his wife, Shawn, for 30 years and they have two children. Dr. Ryne Wood is an optometrist in Cape Girardeau and Mandi Wood will graduate in December from Logan College of Chiropractic.
Please join Mitch Wood on Monday, August 3, 2015 and welcome him to our Bearcat Nation with open arms!