Dexter, Missouri - Registration is Tuesday, August 4th at the Bearcat Event Center from 9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. for grades K-12 of Dexter Public Schools.
First day of classes are slated for Thursday, August 13th and the students will be dismissed at 1:00 p.m. Kindergarten classes will begin on Friday, August 14th.
Click HERE for School Calendar.Here is a suggested supply list for First Grade Students Southwest Elementary School.
1 package of #2 lead pencils
2 large dry erase markers (black)
1 package pencil top erasers or pink eraser
1 pair scissors (Fiskars Sharp Pt/Not plastic)
2 pack or larger of glue sticks
1 box sandwich sized Ziploc bags
2 or more large box of tissues
1 box of 24 colors (Preferably Crayola Brand)
1 backpack
1 highlighter
1 art box
1 large bottle hand sanitizer
1 box wet wipes