The Water District #5 has a full Board of Directors and is moving forward and hiring a part-time Clerk.
Responsibilities include, but not limited to:
1. Handle installation/disconnect requests from customers
2. Handle billing inquiries
3. Bill customers
4. Record receipt of payments and deposit payments
5. Process all bills received and provide checks for board signatures
6. Fill all necessary documents
7. Prepare necessary reports for board members
Water District #5 is an EEOC employer.
If you are interested please contact David Cooper, President of Water District #5 Board, at (573) 421-5001.

BRIDGE CLOSURE - US 60/62 - Alexander County, Illinois and Mississippi County, Missouri
The Illinois Department of Transportation would like to alert motorists traveling in the Cairo area that the US 60/62 bridge over the Mississippi River will be closed to all traffic.
The closure is scheduled to begin on Tuesday, November 1st extending through Wednesday, November 2nd.
Message board will be in place to direct traffic.
For IDOT District 9 updates, follow us on Twitter at @IDOTDistrict9 or view area construction details on IDOT’s

Dexter, MO - Dexter Police Chief Hank Trout and the Dexter Police Department are hoping everyone has a wonderful Halloween and will be safe at the various Halloween events in Dexter. Halloween in Dexter will be celebrated on Monday, October 31, 2022 from 6 p.m. - 10 p.m.
The department has released a list of safety tips for parents and children this halloween:
• Talk to your children about being safe! Always supervise your children while they are trick or treating.
Wear light-colored clothing that’s short enough to prevent tripping and add reflective tape to the sides, front and back of the costume.
• Make sure children can see well through facemasks or use cosmetics to create fun or scary faces.
• Carry a flashlight after dark.
• Trick or Treat in your neighborhood or visit homes you know,
• This is one of the busiest times of the year, so if you are operating a vehicle, be alert, put down your cell phone and pay attention to your surroundings. If you are walking, watch for traffic, check and double check before crossing streets, “pay attention.”
• Only give and accept wrapped or packaged candy.
• Examine all candy before allowing children to eat it.
• Keep costumed children away from pets. The pets may not recognize the child and become frightened.

Public Water District #5 Called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Debbie Robey on Tuesday, October 25, 2022.
Present: David Cooper, Brandy Ross, Debbie Robey, Judy Geary, Doug O'Neal, and Dee Loflin (reporter for the ShowMe Times).
Absent: None
Motion made by Brandy Ross to appoint Doug O’Neal and Judy Geary to the Public Water District #5. Already serving on the board are David Cooper, and Debbie Robey. Seconded by David Cooper. Call for the vote all three said yes. The Water District #5 has a full active board.
Both new members signed an Oath of Office stating they were both citizens of the United States and a resident tax payer of Bloomfield Public Water District #5 in Stoddard County, in the State of Missouri and they support the Constitution of the United States and the State of Missouri and will abide by and uphold the code of Ethics of Bloomfield Public Water Supply District #5 and will faithfully perform the duties of the office to the best of their ability.
Debbie Robey made a motion to select Dave Cooper president of the Water District #5. Seconded by Brandy Ross. Call for the vote, all voted yes.
Debbie Robey made a motion to select Dough O’Neal Vice President. Brandy Ross seconded the motion. Call for the vote, all voted yes.
Doug O’Neal made the motion to select Debbie Robey Secretary. Dave Cooper seconded the motion. Call for the vote, all voted yes.
Brandy Ross is currently on the checking account. Motion made by Debby Robey to add David Cooper to the checking account at Southern Bank. Brandy Ross seconded the motion. Call for the vote, all were in favor.
Brandy Ross made a motion to add a third person to the checking account so that there can be two of the three people available at any time. She suggested Debbie Robey. Dave Cooper seconded the motion. Call for the vote, all were in favor.
Motion made to remove Steve Jordan, former Stoddard County Commissioner, from the checking account made by Dave Cooper. Seconded Brandy Ross. Call for the vote, all voted yes. Dave Cooper will take the minutes to the bank.
Bills to be paid:
GNC Supply $250.00
Chrisman C-Mart - $86.86
Novatech - $27.37
MO One Call - $61.25
Republic Trash - $48.00
Justin Bell - Invoice -
Tyler Hyslop - Invoice -
Delbert - reads the meters - Payroll $450
Electric Bill $262.00
Motion to pay the outstanding bills as listed above made by Dave Cooper. Seconded by Debbie Robey. Call for the vote, all voted yes.
City of Bloomfield Water Invoice - Dated 9/27/22 for a total of $26,331.72 They will be making payments as water bills are paid. Currently Water District #5 is purchasing water from city of Bloomfield.
Water Operator will be needed as soon as possible per the Department of Natural Resources as well as a Water Clerk.
Brandy Ross made a motion to put a Water Clerk ad out to the public. Seconded by Debbie Robey. Call for the vote, all voted yes.
They have a list of certified and bonded water operators they will contact.
Current Checking Account: As of 10/5/22 $17,395.24 Another $3,135.00 was deposited last week.
Dave Cooper will look at the By-Laws and begin an update to discuss at next meeting. Brandy Ross will get him a copy as soon as possible.
Other Discussion:
Total number of meters 270. Minimum amount $34.32 per meter to service a residence.
Pumps are not working properly so they need to have them looked at so they are currently buying water from city of Bloomfield. In the month of September was $10,351.09 for purchased water. They will need to get back on their own system as soon as they can, but the repairs have to be made. The previous board did submit some items equaling about $34,000 + to the Stoddard County Commissioners for the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). Debbie Robey attended a recent Commissioner meeting and Presiding Commissioner Danny Talkington said if she got him the necessary receipts on a Thursday that the Commissioners would pay the Water District #5 the following Monday.
It was reported that they are losing 50 - 80% of water that they are either not billing to customers or due to broken lines on various county roads including, but not limited to County Roads 525, one near Nestle, and one one Country Road 504. They will get someone out there to look at those soon.
Brandy Ross will do the billing going forward until they can hire a clerk so that invoices will go out to the residents for their water bills.
Motion to adjourn made by Brandy Ross. Debbie seconded it 8:15 p.m. Call for the vote, all voted yes.
The next scheduled board meeting was to be held on Election day so they decided to move it to the day prior which will be on Monday, November 7, 2022 at 6:30 p.m.

The Stoddard County Commissioners met in a regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, October 24, 2022 at 9 a.m. in the commission chambers. Commissioner Danny Talkington started with the Pledge of Allegiance and Kay Asbell said the prayer.
Carol Jarrell made the motion to make Beau Bishop the Stoddard County Emergency Management Agency Director to start on November 1, 2022. Salary will $50,400.00 and is a full-time position. Commissioner Danny Talkington seconded the motion. Both voted yes.
There were five bids for the Stoddard County employee insurance. Arch Brokerage is the lowest bidder and Southeast Hospital as the main hospital. Fixed cost $337,857.36 and their variable cost was 337,857.36 and a maximum cost of $696,322.44. Based on 77 employees and one spouse. The brokerage company is located south of St. Louis and is not a local brokerage with a contract of 1 year. Cost per month for each employee $319.00 $1,500 deductible. You will be able to go to St. Francis, but your deductible will be higher at $2,500. The Commissioners did not take the lowest bid, but decided based on the overall plan.
Commissioner Jarrell made a motion to accept Arch Brokerage and their insurance plan for a contract of 1 year to cover the Stoddard County employees with insurance. Commissioner Talkington seconded the motion. Both voted yet.
Debra Robey attended the meeting and asked about the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). Water District #5 had requested $31,311. She asked what the turn-around time was for getting paid once the paid receipts are turned in. Talkington stated that if they are turned in by Thursday, the commissioners can pay it out on the following Monday. Water District #5 will have their first new board meeting on Tuesday, October 25th at 6:30 p.m.
Commissioner Jarrell made a motion to accept the minutes from October 17th. Talkington seconded the motion. Both voted yes.
According to Katelyn Lambert at the Bootheel Regional Planning, the Hazard Mitigation Plans are due. The Commissioners need to sign to update the plan. Once they are signed by FEMA, SEMA, and Bootheel Regional Planning a copy will be available to the Commission.
The engineer selected for Stoddard County’s Broadband grant, Conexon, is working to obtain permission to use Ozark Borders network to complete the Preliminary Engineering Report (PER). Once the PER is complete the project can be bid out for construction. Travis Elliot, county attorney, is working to draft a lease agreement to be used after the Broadband Infrastructure is constructed between the Internet Service Provider (ISP) and the county.
The lease is supposed to insure that the county is not responsible for any of the infrastructure maintenance or anything once it is constructed. That way the County is not out any extra money to maintain the infrastructure.
Commissioner Jarrell made the motion to adjourn at 11:55 a.m. Talkington seconded it. Both voted yes.