Local News

April 03rd 2020 by Dee Loflin

Jefferson City, MO - Building on Missouri’s efforts to control, contain, and combat COVID-19, Governor Mike Parson today issued a statewide “Stay Home Missouri” Order effective beginning at 12:01 a.m. on Monday, April 6, 2020, until 11:59 p.m. on Friday, April 24, 2020. 

The Order explicitly states that individuals currently residing within the state of Missouri shall avoid leaving their homes or places of residence unless necessary.

“First and foremost, I want everyone to know that I love this state and the people of this state,” Governor Parson said. “The people of this great state clearly define who we are in Missouri, and as Governor, I have no greater responsibility than to protect the health, well-being, and safety of all Missourians.”

In order to protect public health and prevent the further spread of COVID-19, Governor Parson’s Order includes specific guidance for staying home, social distancing, businesses and employees, schools, restaurants, firearm sales, and state government buildings.

Among other guidelines, the Order requires the following:

Individuals currently residing within the state of Missouri shall avoid leaving their homes or places of residence. 

All individuals in the state of Missouri shall avoid social gatherings of more than ten (10) people. 

All public and charter schools must remain closed for the duration of the Order.

Any entity that does not employ individuals to perform essential worker functions, as set forth in guidance provided by the federal government, shall adhere to the limitations on social gatherings and social distancing. 

Any entity that employs individuals to perform essential worker functions, and that is engaged in retail sales to the public, shall limit the number of individuals in any particular retail location as follows:

Twenty-five (25) percent or less of the entity’s authorized fire or building code occupancy, as set by local authorities, for a retail location with square footage of less than ten thousand square feet (10,000 ft²);

Ten (10) percent or less of the entity’s authorized fire or building code occupancy, as set by local authorities, for a retail location with square footage of ten thousand square feet (10,000 ft²) or more.

The Order does not prohibit Missourians from accessing essential services, such as grocery stores, gas stations, and banks, or engaging in outdoor recreation, provided that necessary precautions are taken and maintained to reduce the transmission of COVID-19, including observing the social gathering and social distancing requirements set forth in the Order.

The Order shall be observed throughout the state and enforced by all local and state health authorities. Local public health authorities are directed to carry out and enforce the provisions of the Order by any legal means.

“There comes a time when we have to make major sacrifices in our lives. Many of us make sacrifices each and every day, but now more than ever, we must all make sacrifices,” Governor Parson said. “This is not about any one individual person. This is about our families, friends, neighbors, and the entire state of Missouri. For the sake of all Missourians, be smart, be responsible, and stay home, Missourians.”

As of today, Missouri has 2,113 positive COVID-19 cases out of 24,727 tested in a total population of 6 million Missourians. This data shows that 8.5 percent of those tested have been positive.

Of the 8.5 percent of Missouri citizens who have tested positive, approximately 22 percent have required hospitalization. This means the remaining 78 percent are recovering at home or have already recovered.

Missouri has at least one positive case in 76 of Missouri’s 114 counties. Over half of the total positive cases are in St. Louis region. 

Also as of today, Missouri has 19 COVID-19 related deaths. Based on the state's current data, Missouri's death rate is still below one percent. 

Last Updated on April 03rd 2020 by Dee Loflin

More from ShowMe Times:
Dexter Walmart Taking Further COVID-19 Precautions
April 03rd 2020 by Dee Loflin
Dexter Walmart Taking Further COVID-19 Precautions

Dexter, MO - Walmart is taking further precautions to minimize the spread of the coronavirus. The only entrance at this time is thru the grocery side/market side of the store.  Patrons are encouraged to social distance by remaining at least 6 feet apart.

The Dexter WalMart is also offering Pharmacy pick-up.  Just call Dexter WalMart Pharmacy and they will bring your prescription out to you.

Something else that WalMart Corporate has shared with employees is the 6-20-100.

6 feet is the amount of space people should keep from others, when possible, to maintain social distancing.

20 seconds is the amount of time people should take to wash their hands with soap and water.

And 100 is the temperature that someone should stay home with.

Just remember as you go out to pick up essential items it's not a time to socialize in groups.  The faster we keep a distance the faster we can get back to normal.

Last Updated on April 03rd 2020 by Dee Loflin

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COVID-19 Everyday Prevention Actions
April 03rd 2020 by Dee Loflin
COVID-19 Everyday Prevention Actions

COVID-19 Everyday Prevention Actions

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is working to help keep you and your community safe from the threat of novel, or new coronavirus. Take the following everyday steps to help avoid the spread of all respiratory viruses:

• Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

• Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, throw the tissue away, and then wash your hands.

• Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.

• Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects or surfaces such as remote controls and doorknobs.

Avoid close contact with people who are sick.

• Stay home if you are sick. Call your doctor if you develop fever, cough, or difficulty breathing. 

Last Updated on April 03rd 2020 by Dee Loflin

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Stoddard County Commissioners Drafted an Order That Limits Social Contact - Full Order is Explained
March 31st 2020 by Dee Loflin
Stoddard County Commissioners Drafted an Order That Limits Social Contact - Full Order is Explained

Bloomfield, MO - The Stoddard County Commissioner drafted an order that limits social contact in Stoddard County effective at 12:01 a.m. Thursday, April 2, 2020.  This is in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.  This order is based on recommendations by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and outlines punishment for any violation of the quarantine document.

There are three known cases of the Coronavirus that has been reported by the Stoddard County Health Department according to administrator Ben Godwin.  He told commissioners in a conference call on Monday morning.

A countywide meeting was held at 7 p.m. Monday, March 30, 2020 with Commissioners, Health Dept. Administrator, prosecuting attorney, sheriff, and mayors from the cities in Stoddard County.  They asked the cities to help the county in this effort to slow the spread of COVID-19 by helping enforce this order.  Each city will review the document with their aldermen/women and legal council to determine what they must do to be able to help enforce the language of the document.  More information will be forthcoming as news changes daily and sometimes even hourly on a local, state, and national level.

Prior to releasing the document to the public, the Commissioners voted 3-0 to appoint Dr. Bobby J. Jibben as the Stoddard County Health Officer.  Under this order, a licensed qualified physician is required to hand quarantine situations or other medical situations.

Residents of Stoddard County may not leave their residence unless performing essential activities or business.  Those activities include obtaining medication/medical supplies, visiting a healthcare professional/nurse practitioner/hospital, etc washing clothes at a laundromat/dry cleaner or to purchase personal hygiene or cleaning supplies.

You may go out and buy groceries, it is not a time to visit in groups of ten or more.  Maintain social distancing of 6 feet or more.  You can get take-out at a restaurant or order delivery.  You can deliver items to friends or family if they don't wish to get out.

Groups of greater than 10 people should be avoided.

All nonessential businesses are ordered closed.

Any business that violates any provision of the order could be subject to a civil action by the Circuit Court of Stoddard County, seeking the suspension or revocation of its business license issued by the county.

The order also includes a punishment for residents leaving a quarantined home, or evading or breaking quarantine. If convicted, they could be guilty of a Class A misdemeanor pursuant to section 192.320.R.S.Mo.

What are Essential Businesses during this Pandemic?

Crop Production, Animal Production, Forestry and Logging, Fishing, Hunting, and Trapping, Support Activities for Agriculture & Forestry, Oil & Gas Extraction, Mining, Support Activities for Mining, Food Manufacturing, Wood Product Manufacturing, Paper Manufacturing, Petroleum & Coal Products Manufacturing, Chemical Manufacturing, Plastics & Rubber Products manufacturing, Primary Metal Manufacturing, Gasoline Stations, Automotive Parts, Accessories and Tire Stores, Grocery Stores and Specialty Food Stores, Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses, Air Transportation, Water and Truck Transportation, Utilities, Newspaper Industries, Cable and Other Subscription Programming, Radio and TV Broadcasting, Telecommunications, Monetary Authorities - Central Bank, Credit Intermediation and Related Activities, Insurance Carriers and Related Activities, Rental and Leasing Services, Accounting Tax Preparation, Bookkeeping and Payroll Services, Waste Management, Ambulatory Health Care Services, Hospitals, Nursing and Residential Care Facilities, Social Assistance,  Food Service but may limited to take out, drive thru or pick up only, and Funeral Homes. (THIS IS NOT AN INCLUSIVE LIST OF BUSINESSES - IF YOU ARE NOT SURE PLEASE CONTACT YOUR LOCAL HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER OR IF SMALL BUSINESS CONTACT THE MISSOURI SECRETARY OF STATE FOR CLARITY OR CLICK HERE!)

Below is a copy of the order.


enactment date April 1, 2020

effective date 12:01 am April 2, 2020

WHEREAS, on March 23, 2020 the Stoddard County Commission passed its order declaring a state of emergency in Stoddard County in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

WHEREAS, Ben Godwin is the Director of the Stoddard County Health Department and is the authorized designee of the Stoddard County Health Department Board; and

WHEREAS, on March 30, 2020 the Stoddard County Commission appointed Dr. Bobby J. Jibben, a duly licensed qualified physician, as the Stoddard County Health Officer; and

WHEREAS, the Director of the Stoddard County Health Department has advised the Stoddard County Commission that there have been 2 confirmed cases of individuals testing positive for COVID-19 virus. COVID-19 can result in mild to severe symptoms within the elderly population and those with underlying health conditions are most at risk from COVID-19, which in some cases may be fatal. In addition, it has been shown that asymptomatic individuals can be unknown carriers of the disease and spread the contagion, infecting others, without realizing that they are contagious. COVID- 19 is highly contagious and is spread through close contact between persons and respiratory transmission. COVID-19 presents a real and present danger and serious health risk for the residents and visitors of Stoddard County, Missouri; and

WHEREAS, there continues to exist a state of emergency which requires a response by the County Commission to protect human life from the continued spread of COVID-19, including a directive that all persons within the territorial jurisdiction of Stoddard County stay at home to limit social contact, that any business not declared an Essential Business cease public operations, that all businesses comply with all guidelines set forth by the United States Center For Disease Control and Prevention for the mitigation of the spread of COVID-19; and

WHEREAS, the intent of this Order is to ensure that the maximum number of people remain in their places of residence to the maximum extent feasible, while enabling essential services to continue, to slow the spread of COVID-19 within Stoddard County. When people leave their place of residence, whether to perform Essential Activities, or to otherwise facilitate authorized activities, they should at all times comply with all guidelines set forth by the United States Center For Disease Control and Prevention for the mitigation of the spread of COVID-19; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 192.300 and 19 CSR 20-20.010 et. seq., the Stoddard County Commission and/or the Stoddard County Health Center Board, through its Director, and/or the County Health Officer is/are authorized to promulgate orders intended to enhance the public health and prevent the entrance (including the entrance into portions of Stoddard County where the disease is not now present) of infectious, contagious, communicable, or dangerous diseases, all of which COVID-19 is, into the County, including among other things, a declaration that a state of emergency exists in Stoddard County, and the exercise of all emergency powers not otherwise in conflict with any rules or regulations authorized by the Department of Health or the Department of Social Services under chapter 198, R.S.Mo; and

WHEREAS, violating a public health order designed to “prevent the entrance of infectious, contagious, communicable, or dangerous disease” into additional parts of Stoddard County or throughout Stoddard is punishable as a misdemeanor pursuant to section 192.300 R.S.Mo. Further, “[a]ny person... who shall leave any quarantined house or place without the consent of the health officer having jurisdiction, or who evades or breaks quarantine or knowingly conceals a case of contagious, infectious, or communicable disease, or who removes, destroys, obstructs from view, or tears down any quarantine card, cloth, or notice by the attending physician of by the health officer, or by direction of a proper health officer, shall be deemed guilty of a Class A Misdemeanor” pursuant to section 192.320 R.S.Mo.

WHEREAS, pursuant to 19 CRS 20-20.050 "the local health authority... is empowered to close any public or private school or other place of public or private assembly when, in the opinion of the local health authority... the closing is necessary to protect the public health.” It is the opinion of the local health authority, the Director of the Stoddard County Health Department and the County Health Officer, that the closings listed herein are necessary to protect the public health against COVID-19.


IT IS NOW THEREFORE ORDERED that the comment period is hereby closed. This Order having been publicly circulated throughout Stoddard County beginning Monday, March 30, 2020 through the regular methods of publishing acts of the Stoddard County Commission including but not limited to public posting, newspaper, television, social media, and radio. An open comment period continued until Wednesday April 1, 2020 at 4:00 pm at which time the Stoddard County Commission, the Stoddard County Health Officer and the Director of the Stoddard County Health Department Director met and adopted this Order. (This hasn't been done yet; however it will be and they will sign the document as such).


IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that notwithstanding any previous order of any party to this Order to the contrary, this Order shall be effective 12:01am April 2, 2020 and shall continue indefinitely until amended or rescinded by future joint Order of the Stoddard County Commission, Stoddard County Health Officer and the Director of the Stoddard County Health Department. A copy of this Order shall be filed in the office of the Stoddard County Clerk before 5:00 pm on April 2, 2020 and copies of said order shall be printed and available for distribution to the public in the Office of the County Clerk.


IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Stoddard County Health Department may promulgate such mandatory or advisory rules, policies and guidance as is necessary and appropriate to implement this Order during the pendency of this Order. Mandatory rules issued by the Stoddard County Health Department shall have the force of law to the greatest extent permitted by Federal, State or County law while this Order is in effect.


IT IS FUTHER ORDERED that this order shall govern all businesses and persons entering or remaining within the territorial jurisdiction of Stoddard County, Missouri irrespective of their county or state of residency, domicile or incorporation.


IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that it shall be unlawful for any business to be open to the public throughout the entire duration of this Order, with the following exceptions:

1) Any business deemed an Essential Business are encouraged to remain open. To the greatest extent feasible, Essential Businesses shall comply with all guidelines set forth by the United States Center For Disease Control and Prevention for the prevention of the spread of COVID-19

2) All businesses may perform limited operations necessary to maintain value of inventory and infrastructure, provide security, process payroll or employee benefits, or facilitate employees working remotely. To the extent possible, employees working from home is encouraged.

3) Restaurants, retail food establishments, bars and private clubs which normally prepare food and/or beverage service for on-site consumption are prohibited from allowing any on-site consumption of any food or beverage, however such businesses may provide pickup, drive-through or delivery services for at-home consumption by the consumer, so long as said business follows all guidelines set forth by the United States Center For Disease Control and Prevention for the prevention of the spread of COVID-19

4) Laundromats and any other such businesses which support and promote personal hygiene and cleanliness are encouraged to remain open so long as said business follows all guidelines set forth by the United States Center For Disease Control and Prevention for the prevention of the spread of COVID-19

It shall be unlawful for any business, whether an Essential Business or not, to engage in or allow to occur on their premises the following activities:

1) Gatherings of greater than 10 people, unless the operations of their Essential Business so require.

2) Allowing patrons to operate shared equipment including but not limited to gyms, rented golf carts, playground equipment, and sports equipment, unless the use of shared equipment is required for the operations of an Essential Business so long as compliance is maintained with all guidelines set forth by the United States Center For Disease Control and Prevention for the prevention of the spread of COVID-19

3) Activities that do not conform with Social Distancing Requirements, unless operation of their Essential Business so require.

4) Operation of a public swimming pool

Any business which violates any provision herein shall be subject to a civil action commenced in the Circuit Court of Stoddard County against said business seeking the suspension or revocation of their business license issued by Stoddard County. No revocation of any business license shall occur without a judicial decree ordering the same, after due process of law. The civil action shall be initiated by order of the Stoddard County Commission and filed in the appropriate division of the Circuit Court by the Stoddard County Prosecuting Attorney naming the Stoddard County Commission as Petitioner or Relator and the business’ legal entity listed on their respective Stoddard County Business license as Respondent.


IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that it shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly:

1) Leave their primary residence, except individuals may leave their residences only to perform Essential Activities, as defined herein, or to provide any services or perform any work necessary to the operations and maintenance of Essential Business, minimum basic operations of non-essential businesses, or other enumerated exempt categories as described here in or other prevailing law. Further, this order shall not apply to any person working for or to support Essential Businesses. Further, nothing in this Order shall prevent any person from performing or accessing essential government functions, which include all services needed to ensure the continuing operation of any government agencies and provide for the health, safety, and welfare of the public.

2) Gathering any group of 10 or more people in a single space, unless done so in the operation of an Essential Business or occurring in a single-family household by members who reside in said household.

3) Operate or swim in a public swimming pool.

An individual who knowingly violates the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor under section 192.300 R.S.Mo and/or a Class A misdemeanor under 192.320 R.S.Mo. at the election of the Prosecuting Attorney.


IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that this Order shall not apply to or have effect on any of the following:

1) Operations of any political subdivision of the State of Missouri or the County of Stoddard or any agency of the State of Missouri, or any employee thereof

2) Any person, business, church, civic organization, school district, political subdivision or government agency providing food to individuals so long as it is accomplished on a pick- up and take-away basis to be consumed by the individual at their home and all guidelines set forth by the United States Center For Disease Control and Prevention for the prevention of the spread of COVID-19 are followed.

3) Nothing in this Order shall restrict or diminish the County Health Officer’s authority to issue quarantine orders to individuals and enforce the same under 192.320 R.S.Mo.

4) Any provision of this Order which is in conflict with any rules or regulations authorized and made by the department of health and senior services in accordance with chapter 192 R.S.Mo. or by the department of social services under chapter 198 R.S.Mo.; or

5) An agricultural operation and its appurtenances, as such term is defined in section 537.295 R.S.Mo., in so far as the terms of this Order are inconsistent with or more stringent than any provision of chapter 192 R.S.Mo. or chapters 260, 640, 643, and 644 R.S.Mo., or any rule or regulation promulgated under such chapters.

6) Any provision of this Order which would prohibit or restrict the lawful possession, transfer, sale, transportation, storage, display, or use of firearms or ammunition during an emergency.

7) Individuals currently experiencing homelessness or whose residence is unsafe or becomes unsafe, such as victims of domestic violence.


“Business or Businesses”- means any for-profit companies, non-profit organizations, benevolent associations, private clubs, associations, limited liability companies, corporations, or partnerships.

“Essential Activities”- means:

1) To engage in activities or perform tasks essential to their health and safety, or to the health and safety of their family or household members (including but not limited to their pets), or close personal acquaintances, including but not limited to obtaining medical supplies or medication, visiting a healthcare professional, laundering clothes at a laundromat, or obtaining personal hygiene and cleaning supplies;

2) To obtain necessary services or supplies for themselves and their family or household members, or close personal acquaintances, or to deliver those services or supplies to others, including but not limited to groceries and household goods and products.

3) To engage in outdoor activity, provided such individuals comply with Social Distancing Requirements

4) To perform work providing essential products and services at an Essential Business or to otherwise carry out activities specifically permitted under this Order, including services performed for non-essential businesses for limited operations necessary to maintain value of inventory and infrastructure, provide security, process payroll or employee benefits, or facilitate employees working remotely.

5) To care for a family member, close personal acquaintance in another household

“Essential Business”- means all businesses and operations thereof declared as such by the Department of Homeland Security in that agency’s ADVISORY MEMORANDUM ON IDENTIFICATION OF ESSENTIAL CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE WORKERS DURING COVID-19 RESPONSE, as revised March 28, 2020 

“Residence”- means a house, apartment unit, a dwelling unit, a condominium unit, hotel room, motel room, campsite, shared rental units, shelters and similar facilities but does not include common areas.

“Social Distancing Requirements”- means the social distancing recommendations of the United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention which include maintaining at least six-foot social distancing from other individuals, washing hands with soap and water for at least twenty seconds as frequently as possible or using hand sanitizer with more than sixty percent alcohol, covering coughs or sneezes with something other than hands, regularly cleaning high- touch surfaces, and not shaking hands.

SO ORDERED this 1st day of April, 2020



DANNY TALKINGTON, Presiding Commissioner


STEVE JORDAN, Associate Commissioner District 1


CAROL JARRELL, Associate Commissioner District 2



Dr. Bobby J. Jibben, Stoddard County Health Officer



Ben Godwin, Director, Stoddard County Health Department


County Clerk Certification

I certify that I am the County Clerk of Stoddard County, Missouri; that the foregoing document is a true complete and correct Order adopted by the Stoddard County Commission, the Stoddard County Health Officer, and the Stoddard County Health Department on April 1, 2020, as the same appears in the official records of the County, and the Order has not been modified, amended, or repealed and is in full force and effect on the date hereof.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have executed the Certificate and affixed the seal of the County of Stoddard, State of Missouri this 1st day of April, 2020


___________________________ Cecil Weeks, Stoddard County Clerk

Last Updated on March 31st 2020 by Dee Loflin

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Stoddard County Route F Closed for Pipe Replacement
March 31st 2020 by Dee Loflin
Stoddard County Route F Closed for Pipe Replacement

Route F in Stoddard County will be closed as Missouri Department of Transportation crews replace a culvert under the roadway. 

This section of roadway is located between County Road 420 and County Road 424.

Weather permitting, work will take place Monday, March 30 from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

The work zone will be marked with signs. Motorists are urged to use extreme caution while traveling near the area.

For additional information, contact MoDOT’s Customer Service Center toll-free at 1-888-ASK-MODOT

Last Updated on March 31st 2020 by Dee Loflin

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