Dexter, MO - Walmart is taking further precautions to minimize the spread of the coronavirus. The only entrance at this time is thru the grocery side/market side of the store. Patrons are encouraged to social distance by remaining at least 6 feet apart.
The Dexter WalMart is also offering Pharmacy pick-up. Just call Dexter WalMart Pharmacy and they will bring your prescription out to you.
Something else that WalMart Corporate has shared with employees is the 6-20-100.
6 feet is the amount of space people should keep from others, when possible, to maintain social distancing.
20 seconds is the amount of time people should take to wash their hands with soap and water.
And 100 is the temperature that someone should stay home with.
Just remember as you go out to pick up essential items it's not a time to socialize in groups. The faster we keep a distance the faster we can get back to normal.