Dexter, Missouri - Side-by-Side Garage Sales on Oakcrest Lane and Stone Brook in Northwest Oaks Subdivision in Dexter. Rain or Shine!
1204 Oakcrest Lane is Friday, October 19th and Saturday, October 20th from 7 a.m. - ?
2304 Stonebrook Drive is Saturday only!
Lots of baby items, household decor and decorations plus Christmas decor!! Clothing for both men and women sizes large - XL.
Click HERE for directions. Take Highway AD to Northwest Oaks Subdivision, turn right onto Stonebrook Drive, Oakcrest Lane is the first left. They are on the corner!

Dexter, Missouri - Large 3-Family Yard Sale on Saturday, October 13th from 8 a.m. - noon! Rain or Shine!!!
Located at 902 Deana Drive in Dexter across from Central Elementary School. For directions click HERE.
Household items, small kitchen appliances, kitchen items, furniture, books, clothing, holiday items, 32" Sceptere TV, Shed (9 1/2 x 11 1/2 ft floor) and much more.

Free Hepatitis A vaccinations available this Thursday at the Lighthouse Church in Dexter to help combat the Hepatitis A outbreak occurring in our area.
See if you qualify and help protect yourself from being infected!
If you cannot make it to this clinic but meet one of the criteria, you can stop by the Stoddard County Public Health Center in Bloomfield to receive one also, call for more information at 573-568-4593!