Dexter, Missouri - Large multi-family yard sale located on Choo Choo Lane (large storage building) in Dexter on Saturday, October 6th from 7 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Directions: Choo Choo Lane is just south of the railroad tracks off of 3 Mile Road.
This large multi-family indoor/outdoor yard sale has numerous items, too many to mention it all. They have furniture, home decor, clothes of all sizes, toys for boys and girls, and a whole lot more! This is the one folks you won't want to miss!

Dexter, Missouri - Multi-Family Garage Sale and Storage Unit Sale located at Rinehart Storage on Thursday, September 20th and Friday, September 21st.
Located off Wildwood Road behind Rinehart Insurance (directly across Hwy 60 from Wal Mart on the north outer road)
Times are 7:00 a.m. - ? each day.
Items listed are home decor, furniture, office furniture, rugs, books, name brand clothing, (teenage boy/girl and adult sizes), shoes, queen mattress set, twin mattress set, ceiling fans, Christmas decor and so much much more!

Multi-family INDOOR Yard Sale on Friday, September 7th and Saturday, September 8th at the Activity Building behind First General Baptist Church in Dexter from 7 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Location is 27 East Castor Street in Dexter.
Items include clothing (boys: NB-2T, and 12/Large), (girls: NB-5/6), (Men’s: L-XL; shoes 11-12), (Women’s: S-L, shoes 8-10), kid’s toys and books, Little Tike car, 2 tricycles, Hot Wheels car collection and multiple piece track set, bedspreads, pictures/frames, home decor, craft items, crib/toddler mattress, formal dresses and much more!

Bloomfield, Missouri - Multi-family Garage Sale on Friday, September 7th and Saturday, September 8th from 7 a.m. - 4 p.m. both days.
Garage Sale is located at 508 and 510 Christian Drive in Bloomfield.
Items included: Ralph Lauren Men’s Long Sleeve Shirts (L), Men’s Dockers 38x34, Men’s dress pants 38x34, Leather Jackets, Boys coats, Baby clothes, Umbrella Baby Stroller, Dishes, Pots and Pans, Misc Household Items, 2 Chairs, and Dog Ramp.
CLICK HERE FOR DIRECTIONS! Take Hwy 25 to East Missouri St.; go north on Reed St. then right on Christian Drive.

Looking for something to do? The annual Highway 61 Yard Sale kicks off this Labor Day weekend. It is a spin-off of the 100-mile yard sale that is held on Memorial Day weekend.
The starting point is High Street, just south of the courthouse in Jackson, Missouri.
Yard sales can be found as far north as Bloomsdale.
Selling will officially start on Thursday, August 30th, but the biggest crowds will be found on Saturday. The sales wrap up on September 1st.
The goal of the yard sale is to bring traffic to businesses along Highway 61.
You expect a big crowd, which means a lot of traffic along Highway 61.
Some sellers are posting their yard sale locations on the event’s Facebook page.
For more information about the event, CLICK HERE.