Local News

Oscar Mayer Wienermobile to be in Dexter on Saturday
June 23rd 2017 by Dee Loflin
Oscar Mayer Wienermobile to be in Dexter on Saturday

Dexter, Missouri - Have you ever wanted to see the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile? Here's your chance on Saturday in Dexter.

Between the hours of noon - 5 p.m. it will be at the Dexter Walmart located on Business Hwy 60 on Saturday, June 24th.

In fact, the Wienermobile will make four stops in the southeast Missouri.

Stop by for a bite to eat and get your very own wiener whistle. There will also be activities set up like cornhole.

The Wienermobile will also stop at these following locations:

   Friday, June 23: Walmart in Kennett from 12 to 5 p.m.
   Sunday,  June 25: Walmart in Sikeston from 12 to 5 p.m.

Last Updated on June 23rd 2017 by Dee Loflin

Dexter Police Department Releases Results of Click It or Ticket Enforcement
June 05th 2017 by Dee Loflin
Dexter Police Department Releases Results of Click It or Ticket Enforcement

Dexter Police Department Releases Results of Click It or Ticket Enforcement
Motorists Reminded to Buckle Up and Arrive Alive

Dexter, Missouri - The Dexter Police Department participated in the national Click It or Ticket mobilization conducted May 22 – June 4. During the enforcement effort, officers conducted 189 traffic stops resulting in the following:  Officers issued a total of 129 traffic tickets including: 50 seat belt tickets; 1 child restraint ticket; 1 signal light violation; 4 driving while suspended/revoked tickets; 3 no operator license tickets; 11 uninsured motorist tickets; 28 speeding tickets; and 31 other non-hazardous moving traffic violations.  178 written/verbal warnings were issued as well.
“Seat belts are your single best defense in a crash,” stated Chief Sammy Stone. “Law enforcement will continue to encourage drivers to make a simple, smart choice to buckle up and Arrive Alive.”
Six out of 10 people killed in Missouri traffic crashes are unbuckled. Missouri’s seat belt use has remained relatively unchanged in the last six years. Missouri has an 81 percent seat belt use, which is well below the national average of 88 percent. Teens and pick-up truck drivers are among those least likely to buckle up at 70 and 69 percent.

Buckle up and Arrive Alive. For more information on Missouri’s seat belt use, visit www.saveMOlives.com.

Last Updated on June 05th 2017 by Dee Loflin

Local Chamber Not Affiliated with the Newcomers Guide Advertisements
June 02nd 2017 by Dee Loflin
Local Chamber Not Affiliated with the Newcomers Guide Advertisements

Dexter, Missouri - The Dexter Chamber of Commerce wants to inform the public about a company trying to solicit ads for a magazine called “Newcomers Guide”.

The Dexter Chamber is not associated with them nor have they given them permission to use the Chamber's name. 

This company apparently originates out of Peoria, IL and uses the number 888-588-7755.

If you every have a doubt about advertising or purchasing an ad, please do not hesitate to contact the Dexter Chamber of Commerce's office

Hillary Starnes, MPA, Executive Director
Dexter Chamber of Commerce, Inc.
515B West Market
P. O. Box 21
Dexter, MO 63841
Phone:  573-624-7458

Last Updated on June 02nd 2017 by Dee Loflin

Dexter's First Air Force Base Presentation at Stars & Stripes Museum
May 22nd 2017 by Dee Loflin
Dexter's First Air Force Base Presentation at Stars & Stripes Museum

Bloomfield, Missouri - Pastor Mike Williams is presenting "Dexter's First Air-Force Base" at the Stars & Stripes Museum, Monday, May 22nd at 6:30 p.m.

Many long-time local residents are familiar with the Dexter Airport's creation as a satellite field for the Malden Air Base during WWII and the Korean War. This is not the only time that Stoddard County played a role in training pilots for the US military. A quite different, and much earlier, military airfield was once found in Dexter.

During the First World War a rented hay field on the west side of town hosted pilots from across the country.

Despite the occasional pig grazing on the runway, the community developed a reputation for hospitality among the cadets of Memphis' Park Field training base.

Dexter even helped get three young lieutenants into the record books. Following a war bond drive performance in Bloomfield the night before, three pilots and their mechanic set off on what became the longest flight recorded up to that point in history.

Last Updated on May 22nd 2017 by Dee Loflin

Brake for Seatbelts
May 02nd 2017 by Dee Loflin
Brake for Seatbelts

Dexter Police to Participate in Click It or Ticket Enforcement

Dexter, Missouri - Dexter Police will be joining with statewide law enforcement May 22 – June 4 for an aggressive “Click It or Ticket” mobilization to crack down on Missouri’s seat belt violations.
Six out of 10 people killed in Missouri traffic crashes are unbuckled. And even with all the advancements in automobile safety and education on the importance of seat belt use, Missouri’s seat belt use has remained relatively unchanged in the last six years and consistently below the national average.

Missouri has an 81 percent seat belt use, which is well below the national average of 88 percent. Teens and pick-up truck drivers are among those least likely to buckle up at 70 and 69 percent.

“Every day someone dies in a crash in Missouri because they weren’t buckled up,” said Chief Stone. “We will be pulling out all the stops to ensure motorists are buckling up.”

Seat belt use is the single most effective way to protect people and reduce fatalities in motor vehicle crashes.
Buckle Up and Arrive Alive. For information on Missouri seatbelt usage, visit www.saveMOlives.com.

Last Updated on May 02nd 2017 by Dee Loflin

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