Dexter, Missouri - Dexter Police Department announces results of Youth Alcohol Enforcement Campaign.Dexter Police reported that 21 summonses were issued to motorists and 2 fugitives were apprehended during the enforcement period, which ran from May 4 - 15, 2017.
Totals were as follows: 8 seatbelt violations, 1 child restraint violation, 1 suspended or revoked violation, 2 uninsured motorist violations and 8 other non hazardous moving violations were issued. 49 verbal/written warnings were also issued to motorists during this campaign.
Each year, impaired driving cost the lives of thousands on America’s highways.
“There were 196 people killed and 652 seriously injured in 2016 Missouri traffic crashes that involved at least one substance-impaired driver (Alcohol and/or drugs). That works out to approximately one substance-impaired driving involved fatality every two days”
A substance-impaired driver less than 21 years of age was involved in 12 of the fatalities and 66 of the serious injuries.
During May 5 – 16, 2016, two (2) people were killed and 25 seriously injured in Missouri traffic crashes that involved at least one substance-impaired driver (Alcohol and/or drugs).
Dexter Police joined forces with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and nearly 10,000 law enforcement agencies across the country in this year’s Youth Alcohol Enforcement “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” campaign.
For more information, visit the “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” Campaign headquarters at www.TrafficSafetyMarketing.gov, or www.saveMOlives.com