ShowIt2Vote: Voter ID Election Requirement Changes in Missouri
Missouri - Missouri’s photo ID requirement for voting started June 1, 2017. That means in any election after that date, you will be asked to show a photo ID before you vote. If you voted in the last election, you can vote! Here’s how you can ShowIt2Vote:
Show a government-issued photo ID. Driver License – Nondriver license – Passport – Military ID
Sign the provided statement and show one of the following. Voter Registration Card – ID from a Missouri university, college, vocational or technical school – Utility Bill – Bank Statement – Government Check – Paycheck – Other Government document showing your name and address
Vote a provisional ballot. There are two ways your vote counts.
If your signature matches the signature in the voter registry, your vote counts.
If you come back to your polling place and show a photo ID, your vote counts.
More information about ShowIt2Vote: https://www.sos.mo.gov/showit2vot
Missouri’s new photo voter ID law (HB 1631), effective on June 1, 2017, outlines identification options for registered Missouri voters to use on Election Day at their polling location.
Most Missourians have a Missouri Driver's License or Nondriver License, which is an acceptable photo ID for voting. There are also plenty of other options, too.
• Option 1: Provide a Missouri issued Driver or Non-Driver license, U.S. Passport, or Military ID
• Option 2: Provide a secondary form of identification, such as a paycheck or bank statement and sign a statement confirming their identity
• Option 3: If the voter has no form of identification, but is a registered voter, they may cast a provisional ballot
Missouri’s photo voter ID law also requires the state of Missouri to assist voters who might not have a photo ID with the process of obtaining one free Missouri non-driver license for the purpose of voting.

Route D in Stoddard County Reduced for Bridge Repairs |
Route D in Stoddard County will be reduced to one lane as Missouri Department of Transportation crews perform bridge maintenance. This bridge is located between County Road 737 and County Road 751. Weather permitting, work will take place Thursday, June 8 from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. |

United States - Today is Tuesday, June 6, 2017 and on this day in 1944 Allied forces stormed the beaches of Normandy, France staging one of the pivotal attacks against Germany during World War II.
World War II museums, memorials, and ceremonies will be honoring the American, British and Canadian forces who landed along the 50 mile stretch of beaches that day 72 years ago.
The landing of troops on the beaches of Normandy on June 6, 1944, known around the world as D-Day, was given the name Operation Overlord. Leading up to the attack, plans of deception were carried out to mislead Germany. The overall commander of Operation Overlord was General Dwight Eisenhower.
The attack included more than 5,000 ships, 11,000 aircraft and landed more than 156,000 troops in Normandy. There are estimates of approximately 4,000 Allied casualties that day alone. The largest one day loss of American soldiers.
Please take a moment today and remember the brave men who lost their lives 72 years ago today. There aren't very many WWII veterans left so if you know one, thank them for their service and commitment to keeping us free and safe.

Dexter Police Department Releases Results of Click It or Ticket Enforcement
Motorists Reminded to Buckle Up and Arrive Alive
Dexter, Missouri - The Dexter Police Department participated in the national Click It or Ticket mobilization conducted May 22 – June 4. During the enforcement effort, officers conducted 189 traffic stops resulting in the following: Officers issued a total of 129 traffic tickets including: 50 seat belt tickets; 1 child restraint ticket; 1 signal light violation; 4 driving while suspended/revoked tickets; 3 no operator license tickets; 11 uninsured motorist tickets; 28 speeding tickets; and 31 other non-hazardous moving traffic violations. 178 written/verbal warnings were issued as well.
“Seat belts are your single best defense in a crash,” stated Chief Sammy Stone. “Law enforcement will continue to encourage drivers to make a simple, smart choice to buckle up and Arrive Alive.”
Six out of 10 people killed in Missouri traffic crashes are unbuckled. Missouri’s seat belt use has remained relatively unchanged in the last six years. Missouri has an 81 percent seat belt use, which is well below the national average of 88 percent. Teens and pick-up truck drivers are among those least likely to buckle up at 70 and 69 percent.
Buckle up and Arrive Alive. For more information on Missouri’s seat belt use, visit www.saveMOlives.com.

Bloomfield, Missouri - FOUND 6/1/17 in Stoddard County, 5 miles south of Bloomfield, address Essex. Please share this dog's photos with your vet offices in the area of Dexter, Advance, Poplar Bluff, Sikeston.
We believe the dog had an owner who loved HIM. He is neutered, age 8-10, has had a dental as he has no bad buildup of tartar. He is HEARTWORM NEG and NEG for any tick disease. His fecal was NEGATIVE too.
Someone did love him until recently when they let his flea allergy get out of hand and let him get thin. He was also matted on the face as shown in a couple photos.
We wonder if an owner ended up in a care facility or has died and family did not want the old loyal and somewhat needy pet.
Right now he weighs 14 pounds, should be around 16 pounds. We are unsure if he is a brindle or had dark brown fur around his torso. He is missing so much fur we can not tell for sure. However his skin had dark stripes.
What a LOVER this guy is! ! ! Patient too. Once I showed him a crate and fed him in that crate, he would go to lay in that crate when I walked out of the family room and shut the gate. Good memory retention, knows a ROUTINE like he had a routine in another home.
YOU don't want your pet? Ask for help to post it to find a home or another rescue if we don't have room. Please don't do to a pet what it appears was done to this boy...
Someone knows whose dog this was.
We are actively looking for a home for him NOW! Foster to adopt after a 5 day hold.
NOTE: a SERESTO COLLAR made by the BAYER CO is what I use to keep fleas off of the dogs that come here with flea allergies. He received a DEPO shot today to quickly stop the itchy skin so he can start to heal and NEXGARD to kill the baby seed ticks and remaining fleas. In three weeks we will put on a SERESTO collar and he will remain comfortable for less than $10 a month for at least 8 up to 10 months. Bayer also makes the ADVANTAGE MULTI topical for flea prevention which also de-worms three gut worms.
Update photos tomorrow of his visit at the vet. These photos taken by young Mason Miller of the Bloomfield - Essex area, grandson of Mary Gilooly, the VERY Good Samaritans who searched for someone to help this little guy today. They did not turn their backs on this needy little guy.
Helping Hands Veterinary Clinic, LLC
Dexter Bar-B-Que