Local News
Family Video to Reward Grade A Students
May 18th 2017 by Dee Loflin

Dexter, Missouri - Family Video in Dexter will offer FREE movie or game rental to students in kindergarten through college for each "A" grade (or equivalent mark) the students achieve in a core subject on the students' year-end report card.
The company expects to give away over one million movie and game rentals nationally. The offer is good throughout the month of JUNE 2017.
Family Video started the program 30 years ago as a way to reward local students. The purpose of the program is to celebrate students who put in the time and effort to achieve success in the classroom.
Family Video is located at the corner of One Mile Road and U.S. Business 60 next to First Midwest Bank.
Last Updated on May 18th 2017 by Dee Loflin