By the way ... Happy April Fool's Day!

Hannah Sue Kennish, a white, 13-year-old female is believed to have been abducted between 3 a.m. and 8 a.m. on March 29.
Kennish is described as 5 feet 2 inches, 130 to 140 pounds with brown hair and blue eyes. She was last seen wearing a pink short sleeve shirt and pink capri pants.
The suspect is Raymond C. Vallia, white, male, age 55. He is 5 feet 9 inches tall and weighs between 230 to 250 pounds. Vallia has grayish brown hair and brown eyes.
The suspect vehicle is a black, 2013, Ford F-150 four-door truck bearing Texas registration CGL8981.
Anyone with any information is asked to dial 911 or call the Henry County Sheriffs Office at 660-525-1544.
In 2012, Nixon signed into law a bill designating March 30 as Vietnam Veterans Day in Missouri. The day is designed to encourage Missourians to observe the day with appropriate events, activities and remembrances in honor of those who served during the Vietnam conflict.
"Vietnam veterans are valued and vital members of our communities who, through their selfless service and sacrifice, have earned our deepest respect and admiration," Nixon said. "I encourage all Missourians to join me in honoring these soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen for their bravery, patriotism and service on our behalf."

City of Dexter
Dexter, Missouri - The City of Dexter will hold their annual Spring Cleanup during the month of April.
Bulk trash pickup will be offered each Friday in April. "Red Tags" may be purchased at City Hall or Harp's Grocery Store for furniture or other bulky items for $1.00 each.
Major appliances such as refrigerators, stoves, washers, dryers, and hot water heaters require a "Blue Tag" and can also be purchased at City Hall or Harp's Grocery Store for $10.00 each. There is a limit of four (4) items to be picked up.
You MUST call the Dexter Water Department at 624-5527 by Thursday of each week to schedule either the bulk trash or yard waste pickup. Remember one call per household please.

Is Annual Occurrence
Van Buren, Missouri - Ensuring the population stability of a popular wildlife resident is the primary reason behind the upcoming closure of the refuge area at the Missouri Department of Conservation’s (MDC) Peck Ranch Conservation Area.
Peck Ranch Area’s refuge will be closed April 1-July 1 to minimize stress and human interference during the elk calving period. Peck Ranch is home to 125 elk, the majority of which roam on Peck Ranch’s 11,500-acre refuge.
The spring closing of Peck Ranch’s refuge has been an annual occurrence since MDC’s elk restoration project began in 2011. Public access will still be allowed to the approximately 12,000 acres of the area that are outside the area’s marked refuge fence. (Peck Ranch Conservation Area encompasses more than 23,000 acres in Shannon and Carter counties.) Peck Ranch’s elk-viewing automobile route is included in the area that will be closed to the public.
Peck Ranch’s refuge will also be closed Oct. 10-11, Oct. 24-26, Nov. 14-24 and Dec. 5-6 to accommodate deer hunting opportunities during those time periods.
For more information, call the Peck Ranch Conservation Area, 573-323-4249 or MDC’s Ozark Regional Office in West Plains, 417-256-7161. People can also get information about the Peck Ranch Area online at the “Atlas” feature of MDC’s website.