The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) makes paddlefish snagging possible in the Show-Me State through annual stockings of about 38,000 foot-long fingerlings raised at its Blind Pony Hatchery near Sweet Springs and released into Lake of the Ozarks, Truman Lake, and Table Rock Lake, plus several thousand into select rivers.
According to MDC Fisheries Management Biologist Trish Yasger, dams and other barriers to spawning areas have eliminated sustainable natural reproduction in these waters.
“Without annual stocking by Conservation Department staff, this popular pastime and food source would go away,” Yasger said. “We manage and monitor paddlefish populations around the state, but need help from snaggers to learn more and to better manage this popular game fish.”
Yasger is leading a new five-year tagging project by MDC to help monitor paddlefish harvest rates and improve species management. The project began this winter, and success depends on snaggers reporting tagged fish.
Yasger explained that, from January to mid-March each year through 2019, Department staff will place numbered metal jaw tags on about 2,000 paddlefish netted in each reservoir -- Lake of the Ozarks, Truman Lake, and Table Rock Lake -- and about 1,000 fish netted in the Mississippi River. All fish captured are weighed, measured, jaw tagged, and released.
She encourages snaggers to report all tagged paddlefish and to NOT remove tags from undersized (sublegal) paddlefish.
“We will send a special ‘I caught a Missouri paddlefish!’ t-shirt to each snagger who returns or reports their first tag on a legal-sized fish,” Yasger explained. “Rewards will not be given for sublegal fish. All returned and reported tags for the season will be placed into drawings each summer for a small number of cash prizes with a grand prize of $500.”
Tags or photos of tags from harvested paddlefish must be submitted for rewards. Snaggers must include the following information with each tag:
Date caught
Location of catch including reservoir or river, mile marker, and county
Tag number
Fish length from eye to the fork of the tail
Snagger’s name and complete address
Report tags by calling MDC at 573-579-6825 with the information, or mail the information with the tag to: Missouri Department of Conservation, 3815 East Jackson Blvd., Jackson, MO 63755.
Also known as “spoonbills” because of the shape of their snouts, paddlefish take seven or eight years to grow to legal size. The fish feed on plankton and other microscopic prey. These filter feeders therefore do not take bait from hooks and must be snagged using large hooks that catch in the mouth, gills or other areas of their bodies.
Unless exempt, anglers must have a current fishing permit to snag or to operate a boat for snaggers. The daily limit is two paddlefish and snaggers must stop snagging after obtaining the daily limit on Lake of the Ozarks and Truman Lake and their tributaries, and the Osage River below Bagnell Dam. The minimum legal body length for paddlefish at Lake of the Ozarks, Truman Lake, Table Rock Lake, and their tributaries is 34 inches, measured from the eye to the fork of the tail. The minimum legal body length is 24 inches on the Osage River below Bagnell Dam and in other Missouri waters. All paddlefish under the legal minimum length must be returned to the water unharmed immediately after being caught.
The Wildlife Code of Missouri requires the head, tail, and skin to remain attached to all paddlefish while on the water so paddlefish should not be cleaned until off of the water. Also, extracted paddlefish eggs may not be possessed while on waters of the state or adjacent banks and may not be transported. Paddlefish eggs may not be bought, sold or offered for sale. Additionally, paddlefish or their parts, including eggs, may not be used for bait.
Yasger reminds snaggers to help sublegal snagged fish survive to grow larger.
“Do not land paddlefish with gaffs. This can fatally injure sublegal fish. Use large landing nets,” she said. “Remove hooks carefully and get sublegal fish back into the water as quickly as possible. Wet your hands before handling fish and avoid excessive handling. Do not pass them around for photos and hold fish firmly to avoid dropping them. Never put fingers in the gills or eyes.”
Yasger said that paddlefish snagging is dependent on weather conditions, primarily water temperature and flow.
“Paddlefish are easiest to catch when they swim upstream and congregate below dams in response to warm spring rains,” Yasger explained. “The best snagging conditions occur when water temperature reaches 50 to 55 degrees and there is an increase in water flow. This prompts them to move upstream to spawn.”
She added that paddlefish season often gets off to a slow start.
“We don’t usually see a lot of big fish being caught on opening day,” Yasger said. “Harvest early in the season is typically dominated by local fish and small males with the occasional large female. As water temperature and flow increase, you will start seeing more of the larger females.”
However this year’s peak action could be delayed by unusually cold winter weather.
“The extremely cold weather we experienced in February is still being felt in stream temperatures,” she explained. “A spell of unusually warm, sunny weather could speed things up a little.”
Yasger added that MDC released an especially large number of fingerlings into Lake of the Ozarks, Truman Lake, and Table Rock Lake in 2008. The more than 164,000 fingerlings released are now eight years old and should start providing good numbers of fish for snaggers to harvest.
Learn more about Missouri’s official aquatic animal and get weekly snagging reports and advisories from MDC online at mdc.mo.gov/node/5399.

Dexter, Missouri – The Crowley Ridge Jaycees will host the 2nd Annual Bed Races in downtown Dexter on Saturday, March 14, 2015.
The Jaycees hosted the annual event until 1985 and decided last year to bring it back.
Prizes for Fastest Team and Best in Show will be presented. Applicants must be 18 years of age or older. Beds must include a mattress (not a pad). Teams must consist of 5 members (one rider and four pushers). Safety equipment is highly suggested.
There will also be booths available for local businesses, crafters, and concessions to rent for the exciting racing day. Aside from the shopping and great food held downtown, there will also be a 50/50 Raffle being held throughout the day.The Crowley Ridge Jaycees and SoutheastHEALTH of Stoddard County sponsor this event. Entry fee is $30 per team and if you would like a vendor booth the fee is also $30. Make checks payable to Crowley Ridge Jaycees. Contact them by email for more information at crjaycees@gmail.com.
Follow them on Facebook by clicking HERE!

Sara Turner, manager of the Cape Girardeau Conservation Nature Center, said the safest place for young wildlife is where you find them. Most likely, she said, they aren’t really alone.
“Spring is a popular time to watch wildlife because, like us, they’re becoming more active after those cold winter months,” Turner said. “This is an important season for many of our wildlife populations as they reproduce and raise their young. We certainly don’t want to interfere with that by making choices that impact the health of young wildlife.”
Turner said disturbing or removing baby animals from where you find them almost certainly means they will not survive. Although you may not think the animal’s mother is present, she is almost always nearby and waiting for a safe time to return to her young.
“These wildlife parents will stay away while you’re in the area in an effort to not attract attention to their young,” Turner said. “The most helpful thing you can do to keep these animals safe and protect them is to leave them where they are so their parents can return and provide for them.”
Turner said even when wild animals are taken to rehabilitation centers, the chances of their future survival in the wild are slight.
“When young wildlife are taken away from their parents, they don’t learn survival skills,” she said. “So even if they are nursed to good health, it will quickly decline if they are released and unable to find food and shelter on their own.”
Turner encourages people to remember that what may seem to be an orphaned animal, very likely is not. The best protection for local wildlife is healthy habitat and space so they can raise their own young, she said.
The Cape Girardeau Conservation Nature Center’s upcoming Nature Center at Night Program will focus on young wildlife and what to do about them when they’re encountered. The program is Thursday, March 12, from 5 to 8 p.m. No registration is required and all ages are welcome to attend.
For more information on this or other nature programs at the Cape Girardeau Conservation Nature Center, call (573) 290-5218 or go online to mdc.mo.gov/capenaturecenter.
Although you may not think the animal’s mother is present, she is almost always nearby and waiting for a safe time to return to her young. (MDC file photo)

Get the 2015 hunting and trapping booklet online at mdc.mo.gov/node/3657.
Get the 2015 fishing regulations booklet online at mdc.mo.gov/node/6108.
Get the 2015 spring turkey hunting booklet online at mdc.mo.gov/node/4066.
Conservation makes Missouri a great place to hunt, trap, and fish. For more information on hunting, trapping, fishing, and other outdoor activities in Missouri, visit mdc.mo.gov.

Jefferson City, Missouri – Snow may be on the ground, but severe weather can be just around the corner. March 2nd – 6th is Missouri Severe Weather Awareness Week and the Statewide Tornado Drill will be performed.
The National Weather Service, the State Emergency Management Agency and local emergency managers are promoting Missouri Severe Weather Awareness Week, March 2-6, to help Missourians be prepared for dangerous tornadoes, severe storms, lightning and flooding.
Missouri’s 41st annual Statewide Tornado Drill will be held on Tuesday, March 3 at 1:30 p.m. If severe weather is in the forecast for March 3, the drill will be moved to Thursday, March 5 at 1:30 p.m.
“As we’ve seen many times, severe storms can strike anywhere in Missouri at any time with devastating results,” State Emergency Management Agency Director Ron Walker said. “Everyone needs to understand that some simple advance planning and preparation can mean the difference between life and death. Planning should start with closely following weather updates anytime severe weather is in the forecast.”
On March 3, outdoor warning sirens and weather alert radios across the state will sound, signaling the beginning of the statewide tornado drill and indicating that Missourians should practice taking shelter.
The safest shelter location is the basement or an interior room in the lowest level of a building. Other safe locations for businesses and schools include interior stairways and tornado safe rooms.
The drill can be completed in as little as 15 minutes.
- Tornado watch means watch the sky. A tornado may form during a thunderstorm.
- Tornado warning means seek shelter immediately.
- The safest shelter location is an interior room without windows on the lowest floor.
- Do not seek shelter in a cafeteria, gymnasium or other large open room because the roof might collapse.
- Immediately leave a mobile home to seek shelter in a nearby building.
- Overpasses are not safe. Their under-the-girder-type construction can cause a dangerous wind tunnel effect.
- If you are driving, stop and take shelter in a nearby building.
- If you are driving in a rural area, drive away from the tornado to the closest building. If you cannot get away, seek shelter in a roadside ditch. Protect yourself from flying debris by covering your head with your arms, a coat or a blanket. Be prepared to move quickly in case the ditch fills with water.
- Never drive into standing water. It can take less than six inches of fast moving water to make a slow moving car float. Once floating, a vehicle can overturn and sink.
More information can be found on Missouri’s Stormaware.mo.gov website, which includes detailed videos and other useful resources about tornado sirens, flash flooding and weather alert radios. The site also includes links to free severe weather texting services that can alert people across Missouri to upcoming severe weather.
The National Weather Service provides safety tips and educational information about each day of Severe Weather Awareness Week on the St. Louis Forecast Office site: http://www.crh.noaa.gov/lsx/?n=severeweek.