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Today is Vietnam Veterans Day in Missouri
March 30th 2015 by Dee Loflin
Today is Vietnam Veterans Day in Missouri
Jefferson City, Missouri - Gov. Jay Nixon is encouraging Missourians to give special recognition and honor to veterans of the Vietnam War on Monday, March 30, which will mark the third observance of Vietnam Veterans Day in Missouri.

In 2012, Nixon signed into law a bill designating March 30 as Vietnam Veterans Day in Missouri. The day is designed to encourage Missourians to observe the day with appropriate events, activities and remembrances in honor of those who served during the Vietnam conflict.

"Vietnam veterans are valued and vital members of our communities who, through their selfless service and sacrifice, have earned our deepest respect and admiration," Nixon said. "I encourage all Missourians to join me in honoring these soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen for their bravery, patriotism and service on our behalf."

Last Updated on March 30th 2015 by Dee Loflin

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