Local News

Dexter Police Dept. Responds to Alleged Bomb Threat
April 24th 2017 by Dee Loflin
Dexter Police Dept. Responds to Alleged Bomb Threat

Dexter, Missouri - On Monday, April 24, 2017, Dexter Police officers were dispatched to a residence inside Dexter City Limits reference to threats being made by phone.

Approximately one hour later the Dexter Police Department receive information of an alleged bomb threat at a local business in Dexter MO. The allegation were related to the above call.

The business was evacuated as a precaution and the Southeast Regional Bomb Squad was contacted.

Southeast Regional Bomb Squad arrived and no explosives or incendiary devices were located.

The Investigation continues.

Dexter Police Department

The ShowMe Times strives to provide an all-positive news atmosphere; however when a situation warrants a public service announcement the ShowMe Times will always bring you the most accurate of information.  We truly appreciate our local law enforcement and their efforts to keep the public informed while investigating such matters of concern.

Last Updated on April 24th 2017 by Dee Loflin

City of Dexter Spring Cleanup!
April 11th 2017 by Dee Loflin
City of Dexter Spring Cleanup!

Dexter, Missouri - Bulk trash pickup is being offered by the City of Dexter each Friday in April.

"Red Tags" may be purchased at City Hall or Harp's Grocery Store for furniture or other bulky items for $1.00 each.

Major appliances such as refrigerators, stoves, washers, dryers and hot water heaters require a "Blue Tag" and can be purchased at City Hall or Harp's Grocery Store for $10.00 each.  There is a limit of four (4) items to be picked up.

"Red Tags" may also be purchased at City Hall or Harp's Grocery Store for Yard Waste pickup.

You MUST call the Water Department at (573) 624-5527 by Thursday of each week to schedule either the bulk trash or yard waste pickup.  Please only one call per household.

Last Updated on April 11th 2017 by Dee Loflin

Dexter PD Releases Youth Seat Belt Enforcement Results
April 04th 2017 by Dee Loflin
Dexter PD Releases Youth Seat Belt Enforcement Results

Teens Reminded to Buckle Up and Arrive Alive

Dexter, Missouri - The Dexter Police Department participated in the statewide youth seat belt mobilization conducted March 15-31. During the enforcement effort, officers issued a total of 44 traffic tickets including: 19 seat belt tickets; 2 child restraint tickets; 7 speeding tickets; and 21 other traffic violations. 1felony arrests was made as a result of the crackdown.  Officers also recovered a stolen vehicle, made 1 drug arrest and apprehended 1 fugitive.  A total of 78 warnings were issued during traffic stops during this enforcement effort.
“Seat belts are your single best defense in a crash,” stated Chief Stone. “Law enforcement will continue to encourage drivers to make a simple, smart choice to buckle up and Arrive Alive.”

Despite evidence proving the benefits of wearing a seat belt, 33 percent of teens do not buckle up. Eight out of ten Missouri teens killed in traffic crashes are unbuckled.

Buckle Up and Arrive Alive. For information on Missouri seatbelt usage, visit www.saveMOlives.com.

Last Updated on April 04th 2017 by Dee Loflin

Announcement of Sobriety Checkpoint in Dexter
April 03rd 2017 by Dee Loflin
Announcement of Sobriety Checkpoint in Dexter

EMPHASIS: Announcement Of Sobriety Checkpoint.

Police Chief Sammy Stone with the Dexter Police Department announces that sometime during the month of April, 2017, the Dexter Police Department will conduct a sobriety check point within the city limits of Dexter MO. 

The operation will be conducted by the Dexter Police Department in cooperation with other local area law enforcement agencies.

The checkpoint is a static operation on a specific highway that is designed to check every driver to ensure they are sober. 

The Dexter Police Department urges all citizens to report any vehicle they observe operating in a careless manner to their local authorities.

The public can contact the Dexter Police Department at 573-624-5512.

Last Updated on April 03rd 2017 by Dee Loflin

Potential SCAM in the Dexter Area
March 27th 2017 by Dee Loflin
Potential SCAM in the Dexter Area

Dexter, Missouri - If you have received an email or phone call from this group it is not affiliated with the Dexter Chamber of Commerce or any local organization to our knowledge.  The ShowMe Times has tried to contact them for more information and they will not return a phone call nor email response.  We can only assume that this may be a SCAM.  To our knowledge no one in the area is creating a Community Information Event Calendar Booklet.

Email sent to several businesses in the Dexter area.......see below!

Dexter 2017 Community Information Event Calendar Booklet!!!

There will be up to 5,000 exclusive full color Information Booklet And Event Calendars to be distributed June, 2017. The
 distribution will be in high traffic areas for our local families and businesses  pick up. The Community Information Event Calendar Booklets are meant to keep the house holds safe, by having all the emergency contacts and other important numbers like the local school districts, and utilities. The Information Booklet And Event Calendars are a perfect fit for all businesses, looking to grow a product based in the community for business and families. We are only looking for five to eight local supporting ads from businesses.

Spaces are very limited so you must call us to reserve the exclusive ad today. Ad space can only be reserved by calling the toll free
number below: Also we are running a discounted rate on purchases of more than one city.



3.75 x 3.35 ad: $349.50  (Business Card)
3.75 x 7.0  ad: $449.50  (Double Business Card)
3.75 x 7.0  ad: $699.50  (Front Cover)
3.75 x 10.5 ad: $799.50  (Back Cover)
Gold Package    ad: $1299.50 (Front and Back Cover)
Elite Package   ad: $1999.50 (Only Advertiser on Booklet)

John Wilbur
CW Promotions
Project Director

Last Updated on March 27th 2017 by Dee Loflin

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