Dexter, Missouri - The City of Dexter announces the Annual Spring Flower Removal from the Dexter Cemetery.
In preparation for spring, the Dexter Street department will begin their annual Spring flower removal at the Dexter cemetery on Monday, April 3, 2017.
If you do not wish your flowers to be discarded, you must remove them before that date.

Stoddard County, Missouri - The National Weather Service, the Missouri Department of Public Safety, and the State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA) have declared the week of March 5th - 11th, 2017 as Severe Weather Awareness Week for Missouri.
The goal is simple: SAVE LIVES!
Be prepared and everyone should have some basic knowledge of severe weather safety rules and an weather plan in place.
A good time for all Missouri citizens to practice their severe weather plans will be during the Annual Missouri Severe Weather Drill on Tuesday, March 7, 2017 at 10:00 a.m.
If there is actual severe weather, clouds, or rain the drill will be postponed to Thursday, March 9th. Everyone is encouraged to take part in the drill. Ask your employer if you can participate.
From 1950 - 2015 Stoddard County has had 36 reported tornadoes.
In 2016 there were 18 reported tornadoes in Missouri. the most active month was April followed by May.
Monday is Preparedness Day. Identify the severe weather hazards you face. Storms can produce tornadoes, damaging wind gusts, large hail, and heavy rain that can produce flash flooding. Set up your plan whether at home or in the workplace. Then practice your plan with drills and determine if they will work.
Tuesday is Tornado Safety Day. Know the difference between a Tornado Watch and a Tornado Warning.
Wednesday is Flash Flood Safety Day. Just six inches of swiftly flowing water can knock a person over and two feet of water will cause a vehicle to float. Each foot of water exerts 500 pounds of force. Remember TURN AROUND! DON'T DROWN!
Thursday is Severe Thunderstorm Day. thunderstorms are dangerous because they include lightning, high winds, heavy rain and possibly tornadoes. By definition, a thunderstorm is a rain shower that contains lightning. A severe thunderstorm is one that contains large hail, 1 inch in diameter or larger and/or damaging straight-line winds of 58 mph or greater. Rain cooled air descending from a severe thunderstorm can move at speeds in excess of 100 mph.
Friday is Communication/NOAA Weather Radio Day. The Wireless Emergency Alert System is now available in newer cell phones. There is nothing you need to download. It is built into the cell phone. The cellular carriers receive NWS warnings and if you are within the coverage area of a tower you will receive that warning.

Dexter, Missouri - The city of Dexter and surrounding areas were hit hard by a severe thunderstorm early Wednesday morning. Winds knocked out power, blew roofs off of a few buildings, and caused damage to trees, even a few trampolines didn't survive the storm!
"We are steadily cleaning up the city," commented City Administrator Mark Stidham. "We had 17 blocked streets and as of this morning we have only Catalpa and Walnut as the two remaining streets closed. Our guys have been working hard and AmerenUE sent in additional staff to help get power restored and trees off of power lines. There were at least 10 electric lines down and poles broken."
"Several out buildings were destroyed or damaged, Rainey-Mathis had a tree fall into their crematory, Dexter Collision had some major damage and the Masonic Lodge's roof blew off and landed in the parking lot of the United Methodist Church causing Walnut St. to be closed."
"There are also a few people on Grant St. without power this morning," continued Stidham. "We are working to get them restored. It just takes so much time to get things cleaned up, but we have done a good job handling so much storm damage."
If the citizens of Dexter can get their limbs and cut-up trees to the curb the city will pick up the storm debris.
"If the citizen can call the water department at 624-5527, they will come and get your debris; however it may be a day or two depending on the backlog. Just get it out to the street and we will get it," stated Stidham. "If we see several housed with debris piled up we will pick it up and no need to call. Clean-up is a longtime effort, but together we can get it done."
Stidham also said that in the past when there has been major storm damage and elderly or handicapped citizens have needed help with storm clean-up area volunteers, church, civic organizations have pitched in to help. If you are in need of assistance please call the city of Dexter at (573) 624-5959 and they will put you on a list. If you are an organization willing to offer your services also call and leave contact information. Together we can make a difference!

Dexter, Missouri - Dexter Fire Department is taking bids for the following Delco A.C. Generator MFG Model E 6197, 45 KW, 208/240 Volts, 3 phase with a GM Detroit Diesel Engine, 53 Series/4 cylinder, Model #5043-7201. 868 hours, in working condition.
Please submit sealed bids to Office of the City Clerk, 301 E Stoddard St, Dexter MO 63841 until 2:00 p.m. (local time) on Thursday, March 23, 2017.
Please mark on the envelope Generator Bid.
The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids.

Dexter, Missouri - Yellow Labrador Retriever who takes medication for seizures has gone missing on Highway F to Aid, Missouri and County Road 442 area. She was at a sitter's home when she got out on Saturday, February 11th and took off.
Her name is Ann and her family is desperately looking for her.
Jason and Carrisa Mattison have offered a reward of $100 for her safe return.
Please contact them at (573) 614-9323.