Dexter, Missouri - Businesses please pay close attention to your money you are receiving for payment. New counterfeit money has shown up in Dexter and surrounding towns!
Counterfeit money is back in Dexter and surrounding areas.
They are using $20, $50, and $100 bills.
The $50 and $100 are real $5 and $10 bills that are being made to be $50 and $100.
So if you use a marker to determine the authenticity it will show as real.
You have to hold it up to the light to make sure the face matches the face in the middle.
There are lots of other ways to determine it is real or fake, by color and hidden messages.
Please make sure you research counterfeit bills, they are getting really hard to detect. Also, communicate with your employees.
If you come across a counterfeit bill, please notify Dexter Police Department at 624-5512.