Teens Reminded to Buckle Up and Arrive Alive
Dexter, Missouri - The Dexter Police Department participated in the statewide youth seat belt mobilization conducted March 15-31. During the enforcement effort, officers issued a total of 44 traffic tickets including: 19 seat belt tickets; 2 child restraint tickets; 7 speeding tickets; and 21 other traffic violations. 1felony arrests was made as a result of the crackdown. Officers also recovered a stolen vehicle, made 1 drug arrest and apprehended 1 fugitive. A total of 78 warnings were issued during traffic stops during this enforcement effort.
“Seat belts are your single best defense in a crash,” stated Chief Stone. “Law enforcement will continue to encourage drivers to make a simple, smart choice to buckle up and Arrive Alive.”
Despite evidence proving the benefits of wearing a seat belt, 33 percent of teens do not buckle up. Eight out of ten Missouri teens killed in traffic crashes are unbuckled.
Buckle Up and Arrive Alive. For information on Missouri seatbelt usage, visit www.saveMOlives.com.