Local Schools

Delisa Sitze Celebrated at Dexter Schools Retirement Tea
April 18th 2024 by Dee Loflin
Delisa Sitze Celebrated at Dexter Schools Retirement Tea

The Dexter Public Schools CTA celebrated the retirement of Delisa Sitze on Tuesday, April 16, 2024.

Mrs. Sitze graduated from Southeast Missouri State University with a Bachelor's in Music Education in 1994. 

Mrs. Sitze also holds a Master's in Music in Education from SEMO.

Mrs. Sitze began teaching at Poplar Bluff in Music and Choir in January of 1995 where she spent 8 and a half years.

Mrs. Sitze then came to Central Elementary in 2003 and spent 15 years teaching music to grades 3 through 5.  In 2018, Mrs. Sitze transferred to middle school, teaching choir, general music, and high school choir. 

Mrs. Sitze retires with 21 of her 29 and a half years of faithful and dedicated service to the Dexter Public Schools. 

Thank you and congratulations.

Last Updated on April 18th 2024 by Dee Loflin

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