Local Schools
2024 Puxico High School Senior Night Featuring Breauna Buchanan
March 11th 2024 by Dee Loflin
The Puxico High School featured their seniors at a recent basketball game in the Arnold Ryan Gym.
Breauna Buchanan is escorted by her mother, Brandy Moore and her father, Justin Buchanan and step-mom Jenna Buchanan.
She has participated in cheer for three years. She goes where ever Mrs. Woolard tells me to go that night on the cheer team.
Her future plans are to attend Three Rivers College - Poplar Bluff, Missouri and further her education in nursing.
Words of Thanks: First off I would like to thank my parents for always supporting me and putting in time and effort to pick me up from practice or dish out money on things I needed throughout the years, but most importantly thank you for helping me juggle being a student and an athlete. Mrs. Woolard and Mrs. Davis, thank you for sacrificing your time not only for the tea, but for me. Mrs. Garner, thank you for the emotional support, the many rants, pep talks, and life lessons. I am not scraping the bottom of the ocean anymore. Thank you for pushing me and believing in me when I didn't even believe in myself. I love you all.
Words of Wisdom: Write this down, take a little note. To remind yourself in case you didn't know or whatever George Strait said.
Last Updated on March 11th 2024 by Dee Loflin