The Puxico High School featured their seniors at a recent basketball game in the Arnold Ryan Gym.
Thomas Burch is escorted by his parents Bobby and Kerri Burch. He has played Indian basketball all four years of high school. He is the team captain and has represented the #34 proudly while on the basketball team.
He plant to attend college in the fall and obtain a degree in Agribusiness Education.
Thomas would like to thank all the teachers and coaches for Althea have done for him throughout high school. they have made high school very enjoyable and taught him so much.
He would also like to thank his family for pushing him to be his best and always being there for him. There are no words that will ever be enough to thank his aunts, uncles, and grandparents for all they have done.
To his brother, sister, and parents....thank you and he loves you very much.
Lastly, he would like to thank God for blessing him with amazing people throughout his high school experiences and the opportunity to play sports.
Thomas' words of wisdom is life is too short, so right now, take a few moments to look around, acknowledge and appreciate what God has blessed you with in this life.