The Stoddard County Commission opened the meeting with The Pledge and a prayer.
Presiding Commissioner Greg Mathis stated that no one from Bootheel Regional Planning Commission would be here today to update us on the ARPA funds. He did drop off the documents left by Terry Bates, New Lisbon Township. Someone would take a look at them this week. Bates had requested ARPA Funds to repair bridges he discussed at a previous meeting.
Puxico Broadband - Chad Payne with the Puxico School District
He was present representing the Puxico School Board. He felt the million dollars could be better spent on other projects than giving to GoSEMO Fiber for the rural broadband. The Commissioners are considering overturning the previous commissioners vote to give GoSEMO Fiber 1 million dollars for broadband expansion in the rural areas of Puxico School District.
One project the Puxico School is looking at is on the south end of the parking lot as they are seeking monies to put in a crosswalk. They could use ARPA monies to complete that project. About 10 - 12 students cross Highway 51 twice a day. They have contacted MoDOT about getting a crosswalk; but the school needs to connect to sidewalks on either side and then connect to the school district before MoDOT will complete the crosswalk.
SB40 Board Update
Motion to appoint Don Abner from Bell City to the SB40 Board made by Commissioner C.D.Stewart. Seconded by Commissioner Carol Jarrell. All three voted yes and motion passed.
Josh Spearman, Stoddard County Collector
Stronghold Data would be available to do cyber security training on Monday, June 26, 2023 at 1:30 p.m. Any office holder can attend the training.
County Health Insurance Issue Update
An employee turned in a bill for lab work last week. Mr. Mathis received a call from John McCarty during the Commissioners Meeting. The bill will be resent via email and Mr. McCarty will take a look at it Depending on what type of lab work the employee received and how it was coded will determine how much of the cost is covered.
It was also mentioned that the Commissioners signed a one-year contract for health insurance and it was time to start looking at 2024 health insurance as it takes a few months to get a contract together.
Closure of County Road 527A Update
Donnie Foster is wanting to put a gate on the east side of the bridge and close the road. Castor Township was going to perform some addition work to the bridge. Mr. Huel Benton is also a property owner in the area and submitted a letter to the Commission that he has no objection to the Stoddard County Commission closing a portion of that road that intersects with property owned by Donnie Foster. He understands that he has no obligation for maintenance of any type on the county road including gravel, ditching, or bridges that are on said road.
Motion to close a portion of County Road 527A east of the bridge that goes into the property owned by Donnie Foster made by Commissioner Stewart. Seconded by Commissioner Jarrell. All three voted yes and the motion passed.
Other Business
Mathis will not be here on Monday, July 26, 2023 for the Stoddard County Commission meeting.
Motion to accept the regular meeting minutes from June 12, 2023 made by Commissioner Jarrell. Seconded by Commissioner Stewart. All three voted yes and motion passed.
Motion to accept the closed meeting minutes from June 12, 2023 made by Commissioner Stewart. Seconded by Commissioner Jarrell. All three voted yes and motion passed.
Motion to go into closed session at 11:11 a.m. made by Commissioner Jarrell. Seconded by Commissioner Stewart. All three voted yes and motion passed.