The Stoddard County Commissioners began their meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance and Presiding Commissioner Greg Mathis saying a prayer. The Commissioners' meeting is open to the public and anyone can join them and listen or even speak their concerns.
Senate Board 40 Appointment
Two board members are up for reappointment as board members. They are Wayne Jean and Dale Holman.
Motion to re-appoint Wayne Jean and Dale Holman to the SB40 Board made by Commissioner C.D. Stewart. Seconded by Commissioner Carol Jarrol. All three voted yes and the motion passed.
Water District #5 Update
"We began last week on the valve projects and meters have been ordered and are in. We will need to get the computer and software to read those meters," stated Dave Cooper, president of the board for Water District #5.
He also had bills that were pre-approved by the Commissioners to be paid out of the ARPA funds. Those bills will have to be approved through Bootheel Regional Planning Commission before a check can be issued. He also gave a summary of their work thus far and a list of the expenses incurred for reimbursement.
"We are very gracious as to what you have done for us for the water district," continued Cooper. "The board did vote to raise the rates. I believe it is $24.50 for the first 1,000 gallons and then $7 for each 1,000 gallons after that." That was required to maintain future expenses.
Jim Grebing, Bootheel Regional Planning Commission - Update on ARPA Funding
"I will have a revised sheet later this morning on the updates for the ARPA Funding. We will get all this processed tomorrow and give you an update. The only change was the city of Advance," stated Grebing.
"We need a copy of the bid for New Lisbon and the advertisement for the bid in the newspaper is also needed. This in regards to two bridges that need to be repaired," continued Grebing.
There was much discussion on the Broadband project for the Puxico Rural/Stoddard County - Economic Development may have some funds available, but not a total amount of the overage of $900,000 bid. They can reduce the scope of the project, but the tricky part is you have to fall within a low income area to meet the CDGB grant. So the Commissioners are going to gather more information as to what to do with the broadband as Puxico and Wappapello rural areas are in great need of internet. It's taking way too long to decide on when this project will get off the ground. There are lot of layers to this onion of the grants awarded/available.
Josh Speakman, County Collector
Spearman recently attended the Cyber Security meeting in Cape Girardeau. He wanted to know if a company could come in and do some training with elected officials. "They can point us in the right direction on what to do for Cyber Security," stated Spearman. "Would that be something you (the Commissioners) would entertain as it would take about 2 hours. I could reach out to the person and have all the office holders come in and do the training."
Mathis stated he had no problem doing it and the other two commissioners were in agreement. They will proceed with this training.
Homestead Tax - Missouri homestead law allows for a $15,000 exemption, which is applicable to "a dwelling house and appurtenances, and the land used in connection therewith." In other words, the state's homestead law is limited to homes, corresponding buildings, and the land on which they stand.
Senate Bill 190 was discussed in detail. It is on Governor Parson's desk to be signed into law. This act modifies provisions relating to the taxation of seniors.
Courthouse Clock Update
Rain was pouring in on the workers who were updating the clock on the old courthouse.
William Dowdy, maintenance for Stoddard County, got a bid from R.L. Person Construction to repair the roof. The Steeple Repair on the Cupola of the old courthouse came in at $120,998.00. With this large of an amount it would need to be bid out.
R.L. Persons Construction was the only one who bid last time on the repairs of the courthouse roof. No motion made, but the Commissioners should bid this out before proceeding.
Loyd Rice with GoSEMO Fiber Update
City of Puxico did not get any bids for the CDGB grant so GoSEMO Fiber decided to go ahead and put fiber within Puxico city limits without obtaining this CDGB Grant per Mr. Rice.
The Commission is looking for additional information before they decide on what to do with the rural CDGB broadband grant that has been approved; however due to prevailing wages the bid came in over $900,000.
There are three options on the table for the Commissioners to choose from and they will discuss together and decide at a later date. They want what is in the best interest of those people who need internet and the County.
Motion to approve the minutes from Tuesday, May 30, 2023 made by C.D. Stewart. Seconded by Commissioner Jarrell. All three voted yes and motion passed.
Motion to approve the closed session minutes from Tuesday, May 30, 2023 made by Carol Jarrell. Seconded by Commissioner Stewart. All three voted yes and motion passed.
Motion to go into Closed Session at 11:45 a.m. made by Commissioner Jarrell. Seconded by Stewart. All three voted yes and motion passed.