Local Schools

Toni Hill Attends Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Conference
August 04th 2022 by Dee Loflin
Toni Hill Attends Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Conference

The 2022-23 MASA Executive Team met for the first time this school year at the annual Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) conference on Tuesday, August 2, 2022. The team heard staff updates, an AASA report, and a report from this year's President Brad Swofford.

Toni Hill, Superintendent of Bloomfield Schools, was in attendance.

They would like to thank these superintendents for their volunteer efforts to make the Missouri association the best it can be for its members. They know their schedule is busy, and they appreciate their contribution immensely!

Pictured, Front Row, from left:

Kevin Carl (GSTL Region), Hancock Place

Jamie Burkhart (WC Region), Green Ridge

Jana Thornsberry (SC Region), Sullivan

Curtis Cain (Past President), Rockwood

Dan Wiebers (NW Region), Chillicothe

Back Row, from left:

Jeremy Tucker (Treasurer), Liberty

Jenny Ulrich (Secretary), Lonedell,

Toni Hill (President Elect), Bloomfield

Jason Snodgrass (GKC Region), Fort Osage

Richard Asbill (SW Region), Bolivar

Brad Swofford (President), Branson

Not pictured:

Aaron Vitt (NE Region), Paris

Chris Wilson (SE Region), Kennett

Photo Submitted.

Last Updated on August 04th 2022 by Dee Loflin

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