Local Schools

Advance High School Beta Member Places in National Competition
July 12th 2022 by Dee Loflin
Advance High School Beta Member Places in National Competition

Advance, Missouri, The last few months, National Beta members from Advance High School have been working hard to prepare their entries for National Beta Convention. In early July, they were able to celebrate that hard work when announced as a winner of the following competition: Visual Arts Division II (grades 11-12).

Destiny Meyer originally competed and received an award during the State Convention held in December in Springfield. Her first place victory at the state level provided an opportunity to compete at the national level. The National Convention, held in Nashville, TN, provided all students the opportunity to compete at their comfort level, virtually or on-site. Over 5,000 Elementary Beta (grades 4-5), 8,000 Junior Beta (grades 6-8) and 7,900 Senior Beta (grades 9-12) students were able to represent their schools both virtually and in-person this summer. 

Advance High School Beta Club completes many service projects within the community: concession stand at ball games, Adopt-A-Highway trash pick up, donations to Stoddard County Children's Home & Hope International, teacher appreciation gifts, food banks, and Red Cross Blood Drives among others.

With more than 500,000 active members and 8,750 clubs nationally and internationally, National Beta has become the nation’s largest independent, non-profit, educational youth organization. National Beta promotes the ideals of academic achievement, character, service and leadership among elementary and secondary school students. National Junior Beta includes grades 4-8 and National Senior Beta includes grades 9-12. Visit betaclub.org for more information.

Last Updated on July 12th 2022 by Dee Loflin

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