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Southwest Elementary First Grade Students Earn Positive Office Referral Awards
March 04th 2022 by Dee Loflin
Southwest Elementary First Grade Students Earn Positive Office Referral Awards

Dexter, Missouri - Southwest Elementary in Dexter honored First Grade students with Positive Office Referral certificates.

This award was presented to students who consistently showed the 3R's RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBLE, and READY TO LEARN.

Each student received a certificate and a FREE Taco from Taco Bell.

Pictured front row from left to right are Lesvia Morales-Gomez, Lily Wilson, Bonnie Ryan, Rayne Schmidt, and Gracie Rushin.

Back row are Charlee Watson, Ariya Hadley, Adailyn Smith, Emilia McKay, Laith Robinson, and Kyle Arden.

Last Updated on March 04th 2022 by Dee Loflin

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