Local Schools

Dexter Regular School Board Meeting Notes for October 19, 2021
November 08th 2021 by Dee Loflin
Dexter Regular School Board Meeting Notes for October 19, 2021
Regular Board Meeting Notes
October 19, 2021

 6:00 PM-Regular Board Meeting

1,2,3. Call to Order/Roll Call/Pledge:  

The Board President announced the meeting is to begin, ascertains the attendance status of all board members, with all members being present.  The Board President leads in the saying of the Pledge of Allegiance. 

4.  Consent Agenda:  The consent agenda was approved.

5.  Public Comments:  There were no registered guests at this meeting.  

6.  Old Business:  

A. The August MCE policy update was approved as presented.  

Policies to update were as follows.  To see the full policy, please

visit the website.    

Policy 0320-School Board Elections-The timeframe for the candidate to file is shortened.  There is a prohibition of district funds for ballot elections.  The district officials may legally issue press releases and personal approval related to ballot issues.  Policy-0324-Filling Board Vacancies-The change here requires individuals appointed to fill a board vacancy to meet the same requirements as a person filing for elected board positions in terms of age, and current tax status.   Policy-0430-Executive Sessions-The policy is reorganized in language.  The change simply directs citizens to the specific categories of closed records.  

Policy & Regulation-1450-Public Access to District Documents-The policy is reorganized in language.  The statutory subsection for each category of closed records are assigned.  

Policy 2420-Recording of Meetings-This policy reflects legislative changes allowing parents and guardians to tape record meetings held under the IDEA and Section 504 including but not limited to the IEP meeting.  

Policy 2710-Reporting Student Abuse-This legislative enactment necessitating this update provides that the status of a student as an unaccompanied youth is and of itself, not the basis for a report of abuse or neglect.  

Policy & Form-2770-Seclusion & Restraint-This policy reflects recent legislation that restricts the use of restraint and seclusion.  This policy also reflects newly mandated training, notice, and reporting.  This goes into effect on July 1, 2022.   

Policy-4120-Employment Procedures- The only change in this policy is the change of name of identity of the registry for background checks.  

Policy & Regulation-4320-Personnel Leave-This policy and regulation merely lists domestic/sexual violence victim leave as one of the several types of leave available to employees.  The leave provisions for military service have also been changed to harmonize the differences in federal and state law. 

Policy & Regulation 4322-Domestic/Sexual Violence Victim Leave-New legislation requires districts to provide unpaid leave for employees who become victims of domestic/sexual violence.  It also provides unpaid leave for absence due to domestic/sexual violence suffered by emplyees’ family or household members.   

Policy 4867-Lactation Accommodation-  This policy is necessitated by recent legislation.  Districts must provide specific facilities and the time for lactating employees and students to use the lactation rooms.  The policy is not effective until July 1, 2022, but MCE recommends preparation now to plan for and identify the required facilities.  

7.  New Business: 

A. The board approved new ala carte prices for the 21-22 school year to 

become effective January 2022.  

Breakfast Entree-$1.50

Lunch Entree-$2.10

All Sides-$.75


B.  The board approved October’s budget amendments.   

C.  The board approved the 20-21 audit report.  

D.  The board approved the 21-22 assessment plan.  

E. The board approved the 2021-2022 A+ report.  

F. The board approved the 2021 summer school report.  

G. The board approved the 21-22 bus routes.  


9.  Discussion Items: 

The following items were discussed with the board:

A. Building board reports were shared for Southwest Elementary, Central Elementary, T.S. Hill Middle School, and Dexter High School.  

B.  The monthly nursing report was shared with the board.  

C.  The superintendent’s report was shared with the board and can be found at the following link: 


D.  The next regular board meeting is scheduled for November 16, 2021.  

In Closed Session:  

  1.  The board approved the hiring of the following substitute teachers for the 

21-22 school year:

Hannah Thurmon

2. The board approved hiring of the following individuals for the 21-22 school

year pending favorable background checks and appropriate certification:

Chassi Zook-Paraprofessional at SW in the PK and full-time bus driver.

David Davidson-Full-time bus driver.  

Aleigha Tilley-Paraprofessional at SW.  

3. The board approved the following resignations/retirements for the 2021-2022 

school year: 

James Deberry-Assistant HS Track Coach.  

Eric Sitze-MS Girls Basketball Coach at the conclusion of the season.  

Megan Denkins-Paraprofessional at SW.  

Stephanie Monroe-High School Dance Coach at the conclusion of the 


Matthew Aaron Pixley-Retirement at the conclusion of the 21-22 school 


Rhonda Duckworth-Retirement at the conclusion of the 21-22 school year.  

Cindy Justice-Retirement at the conclusion of the 21-22 school year.  

4. The board approved a Covid Leave Resolution for the 2021-2022 school year.  


5.  The board approved a $500 sign on bonus for new bus drivers through the end of 

2nd qtr.  Two hundred and fifty dollars would be provided at the conclusion of 30 days

of employment and an additional $250 would be provided at the conclusion of 60 days 

of employment.   

6. The board approved payroll changes for the transportation department.  

7.  The following items were discussed with the board:

  1.  Legal Update

Items at the Conclusion of Executive Session

A. None at this time. 

Last Updated on November 08th 2021 by Dee Loflin

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