Local Schools
DHS Mac & Cheese Drive Starts Monday
November 07th 2021 by Dee Loflin

Dexter, MO - The Future Business Leaders of America will begin their Macaroni and Cheese Drive on Monday, November 8, 2021 and run until Friday, November 19th. They need the community's help so please drop off Mac & Cheese boxes with a FBLA student or send with your student to school.
Teachers may donate a case (24 boxes) for the privilege of wearing jeans the week of November 15th -19th.
Students will compete by donating boxes to their advisory class.
The winning advisory classes (based on % of donation) for each grade will be awarded a pizza party the first week of December.
These donations to go the Stoddard County Gospel Mission Food Bank and count towards the High School's food donation count in the district building contest.
Last Updated on November 07th 2021 by Dee Loflin