Dexter, MO - The special meeting of the Dexter Board of Aldermen was held on Tuesday, October 19, 2021 at the Municipal Building on Vine Street at noon.
Mayor Jason Banken called the meeting to order. Michael Shepard, Terry Battles, Tim Aslin, Frank Killian, Larry Rogers, and Glen Robinson were present. Also present were City Administrator Trevor Pulley, City Clerk Crystal Bishop, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Tom Espey, Fire Chief Don Seymore, Police Chief Hank Trout, and Chamber Director Alisha Trammell.
Trammell informed the Board that the Chamber Development Group owns 30 acres of land west of Faurecia and is selling the property to Elite Cargo Manufacturing. The company has also purchased a building adjacent to the property on Arvin Road. Within the 30 acres is a street that has never been dedicated to the City of Dexter. The Chamber has already corrected the easement for the City to have access to fire and water services via the street and right-of-way to the railroad tracks. The proposed street name was discussed and will be brought to the Board at a regular session meeting when the street is deeded to the City in the near future.
The Public Safety Committee met prior to the Special Meeting and the following recommendations were made:
Police Chief Hank Trout presented Roy Reaves to be hired as a full-time communications officer. Motion by Alderman Aslin, seconded by Alderman Battles and motion was carried 6-0.
Fire Chief Don Seymore presented Zach Midkiff to be hired as a paid-on-call fireman. Motion by Alderman Battles, seconded by Alderman Robinson and motion was carried 6-0.
Water/Wastewater Superintendent Tom Espey presented Troy Martinez to be hired as a full-time water/wastewater employee. Motion by Alderman Battles, seconded by Alderman Rogers and the motion carried 6-0.
City Administrator Trevor Pulley reminded everyone that Halloween for the City of Dexter and the Fire Department would be held on Saturday, October 30th from 6 p.m. - 10 p.m. The Park Department Halloween Happening will be on Friday, October 29th. Next year he has plans to have all the City events on the same evening. the school will be hosting a Trunk or Treat on Thursday, October 28th. He also updated the Board on the following items: roof repairs at the Depot and Library and the grant applications.
Pulley also reported the City had put the mowing and cleaning services and mowing equipment needed out to bid. His recommendation is for the City to begin mowing all City property (including parks) except the cemetery for the 2022 mowing season. A discussion was had regarding the mowing season, hiring seasonal employees for each department, and purchasing equipment needed. he asked the Board to consider purchasing the needed equipment for the next mowing season now. Motion by Alderman Killian, seconded by Alderman Aslin and the motion carried 6-0.
Pulley reported he is still reviewing the cleaning bids for the Park Department.
Pulley asked the Board to consider approving $1,900 in damages to tombstones at the City cemetery that occurred during the tornado earlier this year. Motion by Alderman Killian, seconded by Alderman Rogers, and motion carried 6-0.