Route MM in Stoddard County Closed for Culvert Replacement
Route MM in Stoddard County will be closed as contractor crews replace a culvert under the roadway.
This section of roadway is located from Route U to County Road 684.
Weather permitting, work will take place Friday, Nov. 5 from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
The work zone will be marked with signs. Motorists are urged to use extreme caution while traveling near the area.
For additional information, contact MoDOT’s Customer Service Center toll-free at 1-888-ASK-MODO

Dexter, MO - Dexter Police Chief Hank Trout and the Dexter Police Department are hoping everyone has a wonderful Halloween and will be safe at the various Halloween events in Dexter.
The department has released a list of safety tips for parents and children this halloween:
• Talk to your children about being safe! Always supervise your children while they are trick or treating.
Wear light-colored clothing that’s short enough to prevent tripping and add reflective tape to the sides, front and back of the costume.
• Make sure children can see well through facemasks or use cosmetics to create fun or scary faces.
• Carry a flashlight after dark.
• Trick or Treat in your neighborhood or visit homes you know,
• This is one of the busiest times of the year, so if you are operating a vehicle, be alert, put down your cell phone and pay attention to your surroundings. If you are walking, watch for traffic, check and double check before crossing streets, “pay attention.”
• Only give and accept wrapped or packaged candy.
• Examine all candy before allowing children to eat it.
• Keep costumed children away from pets. The pets may not recognize the child and become frightened.
The Trunk or Treat will be held at the Dexter High School on Thursday October 28, from 5 p.m to 6:30 p.m., the Halloween Happening, sponsored by the Dexter Parks and Recreation, held on Friday October 29 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the East City Park and trick or treating in Dexter Saturday, October 30 from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.

Dunklin County, MO - Multiple law enforcement members are searching for Jerry Ott.
Ott's last known location was near a wooded area on County road 110 and 111 on Tuesday, October 26, 2021.
He is 61 years old and was possibly driving an older Yamaha camouflage ATV into the wooded area.
Ott is a white male, gray/white hair, blue eyes, 5'8" tall.
If anyone has any information regarding his whereabouts, please contact the Dunklin County Sheriff's Office at 573-888-2409.
Mr. Ott's is the brother of Kenny Ott of Dexter who reached out to the ShowMe Times for publication. Prayer would be appreciated.

The Bloomfield Action Team (BAT) met on October 21, 2021, at 5:30 p.m. in the library of the Stars and Stripes Museum.
Members present were: Shirley Hanner, Jim and Sue Mayo, Shaaron Geisler, Nelda Warrick, Sheila Brown, Pam and Jerry Elder, Melvin Boyers, Bill Robison, and Laura Dumey. Non-members: Heather Mayo
BAT members discussed applying for a CDBG grant for the restoration of the Christian Church on the corner of Missouri and Viola Streets in Bloomfield. The grant is 100% funded and a $500,000 grant. Kelly Mitchell of the Bootheel Regional Planning Commission and Economic Development Commission will help write the grant. The city of Bloomfield must approve this project.
The next meeting will be on Tuesday, November 2 at 5:30 p.m. in the library of the Stars & Stripes Museum to discuss what the building will be used for and how this should be presented to the City Council meeting on Thursday, November 4.
Please plan to attend this meeting. If you would like to be removed from this list. Please let me know.
The Bloomfield Action Team was reorganized at the last meeting. The president of BAT is Sue Mayo, the treasurer is Nelda Warrick, and the secretary is Laura Dumey.
Dues are $20/year.