Local Schools
Bernie Elementary Positive Office Referral Awards
September 16th 2021 by Dee Loflin
Bernie, MO - The first Positive Office Referrals of the year at Bernie Elementary!
Mason (K) - Mrs. Harris says he is respectful at all times
Averi (3rd)- being a good friend and always helping others
Ryder (3rd) - always respectful to his peers and teachers
Alexandra (1st) - thanked the cafeteria ladies for making our food
Shaddix (1st) - showed good sportsmanship when playing a game in class
Emma (3rd), Josie (3rd), & Cadence (3rd)- so respectful, a good friend, and always keeps area clean and tidy
Josiah (4th) - worked hard during virtual learning
Cheston (4th) - good participation in Google meet during virtual learning
Jackson (5th) - kind, respectful, and helpful
Last Updated on September 16th 2021 by Dee Loflin