Local Schools

Bernie PTO Fundraiser - TJ's Pizza
August 29th 2021 by Dee Loflin
Bernie PTO Fundraiser - TJ's Pizza

Bernie, MO  - This year, the Bernie PTO is bringing back a community favorite, TJ's Pizza out of St. Louis.

TJ's provides delicious products with premium ingredients.  Be watching for order forms coming home this week.

If you don't know a Bernie Elementary student and are interested in ordering contact PTO officers; Michelle Masters Aycock, Lori Powell or Brandy New. 

Important dates to remember...

KICKOFF  - Monday, 8/30/21 this is the official start date.                                                          

Note: Please fill out the requested information on the front of your sales sheets.

TURN-IN  no later than Friday, 9/9/21 Please return sale sheets to school.  Please remember to fill in your name on the front of your sheets.

DELIVERY will be Tuesday, 9/27/21   

Pickup from 3-5:00 pm, in the school cafeteria.     


Thank you in advance for supporting Bernie PTO!

Last Updated on August 29th 2021 by Dee Loflin

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