Bloomfield, MO - The Bloomfield School Board of Directors held its regular September Board meeting on Monday.
The board approved the District bus routes, the 2021-2022 Bus Handbook, and the 2021-2022 Professional Development Handbook.
The board also discussed the possibility of COVID-19 leave for staff positive cases. Toni Hill, Superintendent will get the language formalized and the board will vote in October. Any COVID-19 leave that is approved will be effective for the 2021-2022 school year.
During the Superintendent's report, the board discussed the 2021-2022 school year and COVID positive cases and quarantines. The board made a motion and approved that when a building reaches 20% positives and/or quarantines for COVID that a mask mandate would be put in place for that building in areas where social distancing is not achievable for a period of 10 calendar days.
In executive session, the board approved the substitute list, the extracurricular list, the resignation of Angela Wilson, and the hiring of Glenda Fortner.