Bloomfield, MO - Stoddard County Health Center Director Ben Godwin, has confirmed 77 new cases of COVID-19 since the last update on Wednesday.
He additionally confirmed two COVID-19 related deaths in Stoddard County. T
he county now sits at 236 active cases of COVID-19 and 87 COVID-19 related deaths at of Friday, September 3, 2021.
Stoddard County has seen 4444 total confirmed case of COVID-19 since the start of the pandemic.
Broken down by age group the confirmed cases since the start of the pandemic are:
0 to 19 - 685 cases
20 to 29 - 659 cases
30 to 39 - 609 cases
40 to 49 - 668 cases
50 to 59 - 576 cases
60 to 69 - 553 cases
70 to 79 - 407 cases
80-plus - 287 cases.
Broken down by gender the county has confirmed 1,982 cases in males and 2,462 cases in females.
Godwin released an update on the nursing facility outbreak. There have been 61 total confirmed cases with 13 active cases. Ten of the active cases are residents and three are staff. There have been eight deaths.
An updated community breakdown of active cases has also been released.
These numbers do not include the nursing facility outbreak.
Dexter has 103 active cases, Bernie 28, Bloomfield 26, Advance 22, Essex 18, Bell City 14, Puxico 11, Dudley 3 and Oran 1 (some rural Oran addresses are in Stoddard County).