Bernie, Missouri - Bernie Elementary Positive Office Referrals were awarded this week. These students were rewarded for their good behavior!
Students who earn such an honor also received a Subway Sandwich Gift Card and a POR Certificate.
These students were referred for displaying positive behavior!
Check out these awesome students who were caught making great choices this week at Bernie Elementary!
Front Row From Left to Right:
Kanajah (2nd) helped with a big project and had a terrific attitude.
Kylie (1st) has been doing amazing on her work.
Jaxon (K) worked hard to keep the boys bathroom clean.
Grayson (K) helped a friend pick up their table divider.
Baylor (1st) has been practicing her reading and is doing very well.
Raylan (2nd) has been working hard on his school work and reading a book every chance he can.
Dillon, Luke, & Wyatt (2nd) helped Ms. Donna with lunch carts and trash cans.
Back Row:
SJ (2nd) helped with a big project and had a terrific attitude.
Della (2nd) uses kind words and helps others when needed. She is a sweet girl that always wants to help.
Chloe & Cason (3rd) are always following the rules, being respectful, and are helpful in class. They are great role models.
Kasyn (3rd) comes in every morning with great manners and follows the morning routine without having to be told what to do.
Kasen (3rd) is always helpful.
Travelle (3rd) helped with a big project and had a terrific attitude. He always opened the door for a classmate and helped someone pick up money that they had dropped.
Jansen (3rd) helped with a big project and had a terrific attitude.