Bernie, Missouri - Bernie Elementary Positive Office Referrals were awarded this week. These students were rewarded for their good behavior!
Students who earn such an honor also received a Subway Sandwich Gift Card and a POR Certificate.
These students were referred for displaying positive behavior!
Front Row:
Landon (4th) worked hard on his STAR test.
Anthony & Josiah (3rd) have been working hard and being kind to others.
Emma (1st) has been brave and she is wearing her mask for her cousin.
Adilynn (2nd) has been a good friend.
Annabelle (1st) is a good friend to others.
Jackson (2nd) stayed behind and picked up in the Library after everyone else left.
Kanajah (2nd) saw a kindergarten student drop their art box, and she stopped and helped them pick up all their crayons.
Back Row:
Leah & Lynlei (5th) help keep their classroom clean everyday without even being asked.
Mikinley (3rd) helps her teacher clean up the classroom every day.
Ciara (4th) was helpful and friendly to a new student.
Nolan (3rd) has been working hard in class.
Sylis (6th) has a ready smile and a positive attitude about everything. He was also helpful.
Gunner & Dyson (5th) were extra nice on the playground.