Local News

March 23rd 2020 by Dee Loflin

Jefferson City, MO - The Order includes new measures to protect the health and safety of Missouri citizens and frontline workers.

“As the COVID-19 crisis continues to develop, this is a critical step in protecting the health and safety of Missourians,” Governor Parson said. “I cannot emphasize enough how important it is for all citizens to practice social distancing and abide by this order, which is backed by intense deliberation and knowledge.”

The Director of the Department of Health and Senior Services, finding it necessary to protect public health and prevent the further spread of COVID-19, pursuant to the authority granted under section 192.020, RSMo, hereby orders the following:

In accordance with the guidelines from the President and the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, every person in the State of Missouri shall avoid social gatherings of more than ten (10) people. For purposes of this Order, “social gatherings” shall mean any planned or spontaneous event or convening that would bring together more than ten (10) people in a single space at the same time.

In accordance with the guidelines from the President and the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, every person in the State of Missouri shall avoid eating or drinking at restaurants, bars, or food courts; provided, however, that the use of drive-thru, pickup, or delivery options is allowed throughout the duration of this Order.

In accordance with the guidelines from the President and the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, people shall not visit nursing homes, long-term care facilities, retirement homes, or assisted living homes unless to provide critical assistance.

In accordance with the guidelines from the President and the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, schools shall remain closed. This Order does not prohibit schools from providing child care and Food and Nutritional Services for those children that qualify. Teachers and staff may enter the building as long as they follow the directives set forth in this Order. 

This Order does not prohibit people from visiting a variety of places, including grocery stores, gas stations, parks, and banks, so long as necessary precautions are taken and maintained to reduce the transmission of COVID-19, including maintaining at least six feet (6’) of distance between all individuals that are not family members.

For offices and workplaces that remain open, individuals shall practice good hygiene and, where feasible, work from home in order to achieve optimum isolation from COVID-19. The more that people reduce their public contact, the sooner COVID-19 will be contained and the sooner this Order will expire.

Local public health authorities are hereby directed to carry out and enforce the provisions of this Order by means of civil proceedings.

The Order will take effect beginning 12:01 A.M. Monday, March 23, 2020 and remain in effect until 12:01 A.M. Monday, April 6, 2020 unless extended by further order of the Director of the Department of Health and Senior Services with said extensions not to exceed the duration of the effective period of Executive Order 20-02.

“This is a serious time for our state and nation, and we must continue taking all steps necessary to stop the spread of COVID-19,” Governor Parson said.  “The more people reduce their public contact, the sooner the virus will be contained and the sooner we can overcome this challenge."

Last Updated on March 23rd 2020 by Dee Loflin

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Dexter Police Department Receives Calls Regarding Potential Scams
March 21st 2020 by Dee Loflin
Dexter Police Department Receives Calls Regarding Potential Scams

The Dexter Police Department has received several calls regarding potential scams.

1 Grandparent scam - You get a call from someone pretending to be your grandchild. The person explains that he is in trouble, needs money. Always call that family member to verify if they are in trouble.

2. Impersonating an officer - caller identifying themselves as Dexter Police and stating there is a warrant. – Dexter PD will not call you telling you have a warrant nor will take money over the phone

3. New scam - CORONAVIRUS SCAM - Stating they have a cure.

· You should never provide personal information such as: dates of birth, social security numbers, and bank account/credit card numbers.

· You should never give out personal identifying information over the telephone to anyone demanding money or financial compensation.

· If you receive an unsolicited letter or email requesting you to deposit a check and wire money back to an individual, be suspicious

· Always call your family member who is requesting money or a member of that family and verify they need help

· Do not send cash in the mail

· If it sounds to good to be true it is

If you receive any phone calls, please hang up and call the Dexter Police Department.

Last Updated on March 21st 2020 by Dee Loflin

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Three Rivers College Moves to Virtual Learning in Response to COVID-19
March 19th 2020 by Dee Loflin
Three Rivers College Moves to Virtual Learning in Response to COVID-19

Poplar Bluff, MO - In preparation for a potential increase in the number of COVID-19 cases in Southeast Missouri, Three Rivers College will move to virtual instruction on Monday, March 23, through the end of the 2020 Spring semester. 

Face-to-face classes will continue to meet through Wednesday, March 18, and evening classes will meet on Thursday, March 19, unless otherwise informed by the instructor. In order to conduct necessary faculty collaboration and training, all face-to-face classes will be cancelled during the day on Thursday (Thursday night classes will meet) and all classes are cancelled for Friday, March 20. Classes currently online will continue to be held as normal. Certain technical education programs and nursing and allied heath courses will continue to meet for specific lab times. Faculty will contact these students to inform them of the meeting times. 

The decision to move to virtual instruction was made after consulting with faculty and community members. The College had been following the CDC guidelines for institutions of higher learning that do not have COVID-19 identified in their community, as well as staying in close contact with public health authorities. 

“We decided not to wait and proactively started planning to move to virtual education for our students,” said Dr. Wesley Payne, President of Three Rivers College. “The health of our students is of the utmost importance to us and our focus will continue to be on student success.” 

Three Rivers currently offers online classes for many courses, so the necessary technology is already in place and seasoned online instructors are ready to help with the transition. Many Three Rivers faculty have undergone extensive training in creating online classes to ensure online students receive the same high-quality education as face-to-face students. Those faculty are working with part-time adjunct faculty to make the transition as smooth as possible. 

“In exploring new options for virtual learning, we are finding new and better tools,” said Payne. “I am confident we will emerge from this better and stronger and in an even better position to help our students achieve their educational goals.” 

The College will remain open during normal business hours at all locations, and faculty and staff will be available during normal College hours. The Welcome Center will be open from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. from March 17 through March 20. To provide more support for students during this transition, from March 23 through March 27 the Welcome Center will be open from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. The Rutland Library and the Tutoring and Learning Center will be open during their normal times for the remainder of the week and will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. thereafter and will be available to offer services to students, including tutoring, computer labs, and library resources. Services at the Rutland Library and the TLC will be available both face-to-face and online for all students.  

The Rivers Ridge Apartments will remain open for any student who wishes to remain. Those students who wish to return to their homes will go through the normal check out process. 

“Out of necessity, we’re making this change in the middle of the semester, which makes it harder on everyone,” said Payne. “I am proud and impressed with our team and our response to helping students. Everyone’s goal has been to take care of our students—who have trusted us in their pursuit of building a better future for themselves and their families.” 

The College is also cancelling events through the end of the semester in response to COVID-19. “Regretfully, this cancellation will apply to our annual commencement ceremony,” said Payne. 

Students who meet the requirements will receive their degrees and certificates and their graduation will be reflected on their transcripts. Any student planning to participate in the graduation ceremony will be allowed to participate in the next scheduled ceremony. Diplomas for all graduating students will be mailed after the end of the semester. Students with questions or concerns should email mhamann@trcc.edu. 

Registration for Summer and Fall classes opens for current students on March 23 and can be done in person or virtually. Most students have education plans in place through the TRC student planning system. Advisor approval can be done virtually and registration can be completed online. 

Registration opens for all on April 6. New students can visit trcc.edu/admissions/checklist for a Getting Started Checklist to guide them through the enrolling and registering process, or call the Welcome Center at 573-840-9605. 

Students and employees who are sick are to remain home and not report to work or class. Specific screening programs are being put in place for members of the campus community. The College has increased sanitation protocols as recommended by the CDC. 

If students have questions regarding academic instruction, they should contact the individual instructor or the appropriate department chairperson. Faculty and staff will stay in frequent contact with students in order to proactively address issues as they arise. 

“We are doing everything we can to ensure this transition to virtual instruction is successful for all of our students,” said Payne. “We ask that students having issues reach out to us right away so we can address the issue.” 

In addition to contacting instructors with academic questions, students can call the TRC Welcome Center at 573-840-9605 to get assistance with issues and answers to other questions. 

Three Rivers College is committed to contributing to the quality of life in Southeast Missouri with quality, affordable higher education opportunities and community services that support and encourage the economic, civic, and cultural vitality of the region. For more information about college and workforce programs and upcoming events, visit trcc.edu. 

Last Updated on March 19th 2020 by Dee Loflin

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Animal Health Center Remains Open and Committed to Your Pet's Health
March 19th 2020 by Dee Loflin
Animal Health Center Remains Open and Committed to Your Pet's Health

To our Valued Customers, 

The health and well-being of your pet is our top priority. As news of the coronavirus (COVID-19) in our community continues to develop, we are monitoring the situation closely. 

At this time, our clinic remains open and is operating under regular business hours. 

While the CDC and other health authorities have indicated that dogs, cats, and other domestic animals are not considered at risk for contracting COVID-19, we are taking extra precautions to ensure the health and safety of humans within our facilities— notably our clients and staff. Keeping our practice "hospital-clean" has always been a priority for us, and we continue to do so. Additionally, for the safety of our team and your family we are monitoring CDC recommendations and will continue to increase our attention to cleaning frequency and methods accordingly. We are happy to provide options for hand cleaning for both clients and team members, and we work closely with our staff to ensure that anyone who is not feeling well understands that we support them staying home. To our customers:

If you are feeling ill or experiencing flu-like symptoms and have an upcoming wellness (not critical) appointment, we kindly ask that you call us to reschedule.

If you are healthy with no signs of illness, please bring your animal to our hospital and practice social distancing including no physical touching, appropriate hand washing and keeping 6-10 feet of distance from others in the clinic.

If your pet requires urgent care or has a medical emergency, and you are ill, please arrange for a trusted friend, neighbor, or healthy family member to transport your pet to our hospital. If you call ahead, we will gladly accommodate your representative and make appropriate arrangements.

If you do not have a trusted friend, neighbor, or healthy family member to transport your pet, please call 573-471-4500  when you arrive at our hospital and remain in your vehicle with your animal.

For more information and health guidance regarding COVID-19, please visit the CDC or WHO websites. For additional questions, please contact us at ahcsikeston@gmail.com or 573-471-4500 or to contact the Dexter office call (573) 624-5505.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation. We look forward to seeing you and your pet soon. 

Your pet healthcare partners at Animal Health Center

Last Updated on March 19th 2020 by Dee Loflin

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Stoddard County Sheriff's Office Committed to Protecting Citizens
March 19th 2020 by Dee Loflin
Stoddard County Sheriff's Office Committed to Protecting Citizens

Stoddard County, MIssouri - Stoddard county Sheriff Carl Hefner announced this press release due to the COV-19 (Coronavirus).

"Our office is committed to protecting and serving our citizens. At this time our Deputies will continue responding to ALL calls in a regular manner. If a Deputy is requested and someone in your home is experiencing symptoms consistent with flu or COVID-19, we ask that you let our dispatcher know prior to the arrival of first responders, stated Stoddard County Sheriff, Carl Hefner.

Our office will remain open Monday-Friday 8:00am-4:00pm for all concealed carry permits and sex offender registration.

All jail visits will be suspended until further notice. Anyone who needs to place funds on an inmate commissary is encouraged to use the website: https://orders.tigercommissary.com/services/ call toll free 877-844-3726, or visit the kiosk in the lobby.

Our office is staying up to date with information from the Centers for Disease Control, and Stoddard County Public Health Department. We will keep the public informed of any changes to our procedures. During these unprecedented and unknown times, the safety of the public and our staff is the highest priority. Our prayers are with all citizens affected by this epidemic and we ask for you to remember that God is in control. We thank you for your cooperation and patience during this time.

Last Updated on March 19th 2020 by Dee Loflin

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