The Dexter Police Department has received several calls regarding potential scams.
1 Grandparent scam - You get a call from someone pretending to be your grandchild. The person explains that he is in trouble, needs money. Always call that family member to verify if they are in trouble.
2. Impersonating an officer - caller identifying themselves as Dexter Police and stating there is a warrant. – Dexter PD will not call you telling you have a warrant nor will take money over the phone
3. New scam - CORONAVIRUS SCAM - Stating they have a cure.
· You should never provide personal information such as: dates of birth, social security numbers, and bank account/credit card numbers.
· You should never give out personal identifying information over the telephone to anyone demanding money or financial compensation.
· If you receive an unsolicited letter or email requesting you to deposit a check and wire money back to an individual, be suspicious
· Always call your family member who is requesting money or a member of that family and verify they need help
· Do not send cash in the mail
· If it sounds to good to be true it is
If you receive any phone calls, please hang up and call the Dexter Police Department.