Bell City, Missouri - The Class 1, District 2 Boys Basketball Tournament will be held Saturday, February 22nd, Monday, February 24th, and Thursday, February 27th at Bell City.
Delta earned the #1 seed followed by #2 Oak Ridge, #3 Gideon, #4 Leopold, #5 Risco, #6 Richland, #7 Scott County Central, and #8 Bell City.
1 Delta (19-5)
2 Oak Ridge (14-9)
3 Gideon (20-4)
4 Leopold (12-12)
5 Risco (13-10)
6 Richland (Essex) (7-15)
7 Scott County Central (2-18)
8 Bell City (2-18)
j1:00 p.m. Delta vs Bell City
2:15 p.m. Oak Ridge vs Scott County Central
3:30 p.m. Leopold vs Risco
4:45 p.m. Gideon vs Richland
Semifinal games will be held on February 24th at 6:15 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.
Class 1, District 2 Championship will be held on Thursday, February 27th at 7:15 p.m. at Bell City High School.