Local News

Registration Time for Stoddard County Shop With a Hero
October 28th 2019 by Dee Loflin
Registration Time for Stoddard County Shop With a Hero

Stoddard County, Missouri - This is the time of the year to sign up for the Stoddard County Shop With a Hero Christmas event.

"We realize that there are some families who have a tough time making ends meet," commented Stacey Anthony-Ward, Shop With a Hero secretary. "To be eligible this year, children must qualify for the FREE or REDUCED LUNCH program in their school district."

To Be Eligible:

Free or Reduced Lunch Qualification from School District or Headstart enrollment. (Must present proof of qualification)

If child is not in school, bring proof of income.

You will need Birth Certificate of Child

You will need proof of current physical address in Stoddard County (ie utility bill, pay stub, rent or lease agreement)

Enrollment Dates:

Wednesday, November 6th between 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Thursday, November 7th between 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Friday, November 8th between 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Enrollment Location:

Stoddard County 911 Services

512 Cooper St., Dexter

(573) 624-9086

"We are expecting a large enrollment this year due to the economy and with limited funding," continued Ward. "We will enroll the first 300 eligible children that apply.  Please only enroll your child if this is the only Christmas they receive."

Shop with a Hero is a "not for profit" organization made up of Stoddard County Law Enforcement, Firemen, Probation & Parole, and EMS personnel.  The first two Sunday's in December, Emergency Responders gather at Wal-Mart to take children shopping for Christmas.  They get to spend $75 each.

Last Updated on October 28th 2019 by Dee Loflin

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